Ezgi Ceren Boz Noyan
Ezgi is a doctoral student in the research group polymeric materials and composites. Her research work is mainly focused on studying and further understanding recycling of plastic-packaging waste.

Showing 11 publications
Blow molding of mechanically recycled post-consumer rigid polyethylene packaging waste
Mechanical recycling of post-consumer polyethylene packaging waste
Blow moulding of mechanically recycled post-consumer rigid polyethylene packaging waste
Material recycling of post-consumer flexible polyethylene packaging waste
Washing Post-Consumer Flexible Polyethylene Packaging Waste
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Mixed PE Fractions from Post-Consumer Plastic Packaging Waste
Material recycling of post-consumer flexible polyethylene packaging waste
The thermo-oxidative durability of polyethylene reinforced with wood-based fibres
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Showing 1 research projects
Återvinning av insamlad plast från förpackningar