Fundamental Limits of Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication
Doctoral thesis, 2024

This thesis focuses on the fundamental performance of ultra-reliable lowlatency
communication (URLLC) systems, particularly in terms of achievable
error probabilities. Since low latency necessitates the use of short data packets,
understanding the trade-off between blocklength and reliability is crucial.
This thesis provides design guidelines for URLLC systems, including those
with multiple antennas, imperfect time synchronization, and error detection,
based on three key papers.
In Paper A, we present a numerically efficient method for evaluating the random
coding union bounds with parameter s for the error probability achievable
by a pilot-assisted transmission method on a block-fading channel. Our approach,
which uses the saddlepoint approximation with respect to the number
of fading blocks, significantly reduces the number of Monte Carlo samples required
to accurately estimate the achievability bound for the error probability,
particularly in scenarios with multiple diversity branches.
In Paper B, we investigate the achievable error probability in the finite
blocklength regime for a pilot-assisted transmission scheme operating over an
imperfectly synchronized, memoryless block-fading waveform channel. Numerical
experiments show that the number of pilot symbols needed to estimate
the fading channel gains with the accuracy required for URLLC is also sufficient
for synchronization when delays are modeled as fully dependent across
fading blocks.
In Paper C, we explore a URLLC system with an erasure decoder and
investigate the trade-off between the total error probability and the probability
of undetected errors in the short blocklength regime by developing two
achievability bounds. These bounds are tighter than Forney’s error exponent
bound for the additive white Gaussian noise channel and can be evaluated for
practically relevant channels.

Room-EB, Maskingränd 2, Chalmers
Opponent: Prof. Alfonso Martinez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain


Ahmet Oguz Kislal

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks

Pilot-Assisted URLLC Links: Impact of Synchronization Error

IEEE International Conference on Communications,;(2024)p. 617-622

Paper in proceeding

Is Synchronization a Bottleneck for Pilot-Assisted URLLC Links?

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,;Vol. 23(2024)p. 17945-17958

Journal article

Efficient evaluation of the error probability for pilot-assisted URLLC with Massive MIMO

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,;Vol. 41(2023)p. 1969-1981

Journal article

Efficient evaluation of the error probability for pilot-assisted finite-blocklength transmission

Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,;Vol. 2022-October(2022)p. 1038-1044

Paper in proceeding

A. Oguz Kislal, Madhavi Rajiv, Giuseppe Durisi, Erik G. Ström, Urbashi Mitra, Is Synchronization a Bottleneck for Pilot-Assisted URLLC Links?

lexander Sauter, A. Oguz Kislal, Giuseppe Durisi, Gianluigi Liva, Balazs Matuz, and Erik G. Ström, Undetected Error Probability in the Short Blocklength Regime: Approaching Finite-Blocklength Bounds with Polar Codes

In our hyper-connected world, where everything from autonomous vehicles to remote-controlled surgeries depends on instant, reliable communication, the need for ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) has never been more critical. URLLC is a key technology in modern cellular networks, ensuring near-instant data transmission for mission-critical applications.

Unfortunately, achieving the extreme levels of reliability and low latency that URLLC requires is no easy task. Current systems face significant challenges when it comes to meeting these stringent standards, especially in applications such as industrial automation and intelligent transportation, where even the slightest delay or error can have serious consequences.

This thesis explores strategies to overcome these challenges, focusing on methods to improve the transmission rate and reliability of data transmission in URLLC systems. It presents new ways to develop these systems that ensure they meet the demanding requirements of future technologies while ensuring robust and error-free communication.

Areas of Advance

Information and Communication Technology


C3SE (-2020, Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Communication Systems



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5549



Room-EB, Maskingränd 2, Chalmers

Opponent: Prof. Alfonso Martinez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

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