A study of influence of vehicle speed and front structure on pedestrian impact responses using mathematical models
Journal article, 2002

A validated pedestrian multibody model was used to investigate the influences of impact speed and vehicle front structure on the pedestrian dynamic responses in vehicle collisions. To predict the injury risks of pedestrians at different impact speeds, the injury-related parameters concerning head, chest and lower extremity areas were calculated from mathematical simulations. Four vehicle types including large and compact passenger cars, minivans and light trucks were simulated according to their frequency of involvement in real world accidents. The influences of various vehicle front shape and compliance parameters were analyzed. Based on the results from the parametric study, the possible benefits from speed control in urban area were assessed, and a feasible speed limit was proposed to reduce the risks of pedestrian injuries. Moreover, the possible countermeasures on basis of vehicle front design to mitigate the injury severity of the pedestrians were discussed.

Impact Speed

Mathematical Modeling

Vehicle Front Design



Xuejun Liu

Chalmers, Department of Machine and Vehicle Systems

Jikuang Yang

Department of Machine and Vehicle Design

Per Lövsund

Department of Machine and Vehicle Design

Traffic Injury Prevention

1538-9588 (ISSN) 1538-957X (eISSN)

Vol. 3 1 31-42

Areas of Advance


Subject Categories

Computational Mathematics

Vehicle Engineering

Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology

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