Per Lövsund
Professor Per Lövsund is Head of Division of Vehicle Safety and Senior Adviser at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences.

Showing 40 publications
Enhance interaction between HEIs and SMEs to stimulate research and innovation
Management-Driven University-Industry Interaction for Successful Impact
Implementation of an organisational model to stimulate interaction between academia and industry
Rear Seat Child Safety in Near-Side Impacts: A Modeling Study of Common Sitting Positions
Parameter study for child injury mitigation in near side impacts through FE simulations
Characteristics of crashes involving injured children in side impacts
Accident investigations for active safety at CHALMERS - new demands require new methodologies
Traffic safety How to prevent neck injuries (whiplash)
Whiplash Injury Research History and Current Knowledge in Biomechanics.
Impact Biomechanics State of the art and needs for the future.
Design and Validation of the Neck for a Rear Impact Dummy (BioRID I)
Human volunteer Kinematics in Rear-End Sled Collisions
A Human- 3D Mathematical Model for Simulation of Car-Pedestrian Impacts
A Comparison of Volunteer, BioRID P3 and Hybrid III performance in Rear Impacts
A Comparison between Volunteer, BioRID P3 and Hybrid III performance in Rear Impacts
Nervenzellschäden bei Schleudertraumen. Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen
BioRID - A New Biofidelic Rear Impact Dummy
The New Neck Design for the Rear-End Impact Dummy, BioRID I
Human Volunteer Kinematics in Rear-End Sled Collisions
Review of Pedestrian Protection from Vehicle Impacts
Prediction of neck injuries in rear impacts based on accident data and simulations
The Influence of Seat-Back and Head-Restraint Properties on the Head-Neck Motion During Rear-Impact
The Influence of Seat-Back and Head-Restraint Properties on the Head-Neck Motion During Rear-Impact
Transient Pressure Changes in the Central Nervous System under Whip-lash Motion
Passenger Car Crash Worthiness in Moose-Car Collisions
Transient Pressure Changes in the Spinal Canal under Rapid Headmovements
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Showing 1 research projects
Injury mechanisms in cycling accidents resulting in fractures