Experimental investigation and intelligent control of the magnus anti-rolling device for ship stability at zero speed
Journal article, 2024

Under zero-speed conditions, ships are particularly susceptible to the effects of waves, which directly impact the safety of the vessel. A ship anti-rolling device based on the Magnus effect is designed to mitigate rolling motions across a full range of speeds, thereby enhancing the vessel's stability. This study presents an experimental investigation and intelligent control of Magnus anti-rolling devices aimed at enhancing ship stability at zero speed. The test setup, intelligent control algorithm, and experimental procedures specifically tailored for evaluating the Magnus anti-rolling device were designed. Following this, a comprehensive analysis was conducted to assess the effects of different cylinder geometries, swinging speeds, initial roll angles, and control methods on the anti-rolling characteristics of the device. Results demonstrate that the intelligent control method achieves an average anti-rolling efficiency of 89%. Additionally, the optimised geometric model of the Magnus anti-rolling device exhibits improved anti-rolling efficiency relative to the original model. The study confirms the stability and robustness of the intelligent Magnus anti-rolling device and suggests future research directions for practical applications aboard full-scale vessels in complex marine environments.


Jianfeng Lin

Harbin Engineering University

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shizhao Wang

Institute of Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yang Han

Harbin Engineering University

Huadong Yao

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Marine Technology

Yumin Su

Harbin Engineering University

Ocean Engineering

0029-8018 (ISSN)

Vol. 308 118328

GEneric Multidiscaplinary optimization for sail INstallation on wInd-assisted ships (GEMINI)

Swedish Transport Administration (2023/32107), 2023-09-01 -- 2026-08-31.

Subject Categories

Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle Engineering

Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics

Control Engineering

Computer Systems

Areas of Advance





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