Huadong Yao
Hua-Dong Yao has dedicated his research in general on renewable energy and clean transport from the perspective of fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The time can be traced back to his PhD thesis, which was completed in 2008. In collaboration with his colleagues and students in/outside Chalmers University of Technology, he has been developing many specific methods and tools to resolve critical fundamental and industrial problems. He is a member of AIAA, SAE International, RINA, and ICNMT. Now he is also a member of ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) nominated from Sweden. In the Working Group on Offshore Renewable Energy (WGORE) of ICES, he is dedicated to investigating the hydrographic impacts of offshore wind farms on ocean environments. He has held a guest professorship at several universities. He has served as a guest editor of several scientific journals, and a member of the organizing committee of several international conferences in aerospace and marine technology. He has been invited as a keynote speaker to conferences and workshops. He has led projects funded by Horizon 2020 and Swedish national funding bodies. He has participated in the Horizon 2020 projects, for example, ALONOCO, CALAS, IMAGE, SUBLIME, and IVANHOE (the coordinator). Selected research subjects - Renewable energy: on/offshore wind power, wave power. - FSI: aero-/hydro-elasticity. - Oceanography: underwater recirculation and turbulence. - Aero-acoustics: airframe noise, wind noise from ground vehicles (cars and high-speed trains, etc.), fan noise in air handling units, propeller noise, transonic flow noise. - Aero-vibro-acoustics: flow-induced cabin interior noise. - Turbulence modeling for computational aero-acoustics: large eddy simulation (LES), stochastic noise generation and radiation (SNGR). - Aero/hydrodynamics: ultrahigh bypass ratio (UHBPR) engine nacelle installation, boundary layer ingestion, wind-powered ship propulsion. - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO): machine-learning based - Urban air mobility (UAM). - CFD and FSI coding: OpenFOAM, and in-house codes - Lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM): in general for CFD and FSI. - Heat transfer: battery cooling for ships and cars - Biomechanics: hydrodynamics of whiplash nerve injury

Showing 121 publications
An FMI-based co-simulation framework for simulations of wave energy converter systems
Unsteady RANS and IDDES studies on a telescopic crescent-shaped wingsail
Intelligent control of the Magnus anti-rolling device: A co-simulation approach
Hydrodynamic response of swinging or slewing rotating cylinders subject to a ship's rolling motion
Transient aerodynamic behavior of a high-speed Maglev train in plate braking under crosswind
Comprehensive Investigation of Flow Dynamics around Rotating Cylinders
Injection of micro jets to improve hydrodynamic performance of a ducted propeller
Fluid-structure interaction analysis of crescent-shaped wingsails
Angle of attack impact on flow characteristics around finite-length rotating columns
Improved efficiency with concave cavities on S3 surface of a rim-driven thruster
Propulsive performance of a rigid wingsail with crescent-shaped profiles
Influence of jet flow on hydrodynamic performance of a ducted propeller
FSI simulations and analyses of a non-resonant buoyant wave energy converter
Hydrodynamic performance of a rim-driven thruster improved with gap geometry adjustment
Synthetic turbulence generator for the wall-modeled LES lattice Boltzmann method
Fatigue of mooring lines in wave energy parks
Structure analysis of lightweight sail structures for wind-assisted ship propulsion
Pilot Study of Electric Hubless Rim-Driven Thrusters for Transport in Inland Waterways
Numerical investigation of the scale effects of pump-jet propulsor with a pre-swirl stator
The effects of domain division types on the performance prediction of a rim-driven thruster
Special Issue “Aeroacoustics and Noise Mitigation” (EditoriAL)
Experiments and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulation of Flow in a Vertically Aligned Gearbox
Numerical Investigation of Hub Ratio Effects on the Performance of Hubless Rim-Driven Propeller
Inlet Gap Influence on Low-Frequency Flow Unsteadiness in a Centrifugal Fan
A slug length calculation for a contraction with mean flow between two half cylinders
Effects of Aeroelastic Walls on the Aeroacoustics in Transonic Cavity Flow
Parameter Sensitivity Study on Inflow Distortion of Boundary Layer Ingested Turbofans
Propulsive performance of a novel crescent-shaped wind sail analyzed with unsteady RANS
Synthetic turbulence generator for lattice Boltzmann method at the interface between RANS and LES
Near-wall modelling of forests for atmosphere boundary layers using lattice Boltzmann method on GPU
Inlet Gap Effect on Tonal Noise Generated from a Voluteless Centrifugal Fan
Unsteady RANS and IDDES study on a telescopic crescent-shaped windsail
Conjunction of Aeroelasticity and Aeroacoustics in Transonic Cavity Flow
Near-wall modeling of forests for atmosphere boundary layers using lattice Boltzmann method on GPU
Inlet Effect on Tonal Noise Generated from a Voluteless Centrifugal Fan
Inlet Gap Effect on Aerodynamics and Tonal Noise Generation of a Voluteless Centrifugal Fan
Modeling the structural response of a dam to earthquake induced dynamic stresses
Tonal Noise of Voluteless Centrifugal Fan Generated by Turbulence Stemming from Upstream Inlet Gap
Low-Noise Propeller Design for Quiet Electric Aircraft
Unsteady Simulation of Tonal Noise from Isolated Centrifugal Fan
Numerical and experimental study of tonal noise sources at the outlet of an isolated centrifugal fan
Numerical Investigation of Narrow-Band Noise Generation by Automotive Cooling Fans
Propulsion Installation Modelling for geared Ultra-high bypass ratio engine cycle design
A review of installation effects of ultra-high bypass ratio engines
An aeroacoustic study of the flow surrounding the front of a simplified ICE3 high-speed train model
Adjoint-based Broadband Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation
Prediktering av extern flödesakustiks påverkan på hyttbuller
Airframe Noise Reduction for a Wing-flap Configuration Using DBD Plasma Actuators
Towards Adjoint-based Broadband Noise Minimization using Stochastic Noise Generation
Application of SNGR Method to Compute Aero-Vibro-Acoustics of Heavy-Duty Rear-View Mirrors
Unsteady simulation of tonal noise from isolated centrifugal fan
Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Biomechanics Using FOAM-Extend
Aero-vibro-acoustics: a path from fundamental research to industrial applications
Noise radiated by low-Reynolds number flows past a hemisphere at Ma=0.3
Assessment of Conceptual Noise Reduction Devices for A Main Landing Gear using SNGR Method
Assessment of Flap Side-Edge Fence Noise using SNGR Method
Aero-acoustic analysis and assessment of conceptual low-noise airframe configurations
CAA analysis of a wing section with flap side-edges based on hybrid RANS-LES computation
Numerical Modelling of Blood Pressure Pulses in Vertebral Canal during Whiplash Motion
Surface integral analogy approaches for predicting noise from 3D high-lift low-noise wings
Landing gear noise reduction technology development for future green regional aircraft
Airframe Noise Reduction Technologies applied to High-Lift Devices of Future Green Regional Aircraft
Hybrid RANS/LES Simulations for Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Analysis of a Multi-Element Airfoil
SNGR Method for Assessing Noise Induced by Flap Side-Edges
Local flow properties in relation to noise generation for low-noise high-lift configurations
Aeroacoustic Assessment of Conceptual Low-Noise High-Lift Wing Configurations
Assessment of high-lift concepts for a regional aircraft in the ALONOCO project
Examinations on closure models of conditionally filtered LES
A kinematic subgrid scale model for large eddy simulation of turbulence-generated sound
Computation of Turbulence-Generated Noise by Large-Eddy Simulation
Time correlations of pressure in isotropic turbulence
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Showing 24 research projects
Enhancing Shared mOoring systeM design for flOating Offshore wind faRms (ESOMOOR)
Efficient and sustainable maritime logistics of carbon dioxide in Sweden
The influence of offshore wind parks on shipping
Battery environmental conditions for safe operation in electric ships
GEneric Multidiscaplinary optimization for sail INstallation on wInd-assisted ships (GEMINI)
Fossil-free ships: energy demand, production, storage and consumption
Pilot Study of Electric Hubless Rim-Driven Propellers for Transport in Inland Waterways
Design of the aerodynamic properties of an electric aircraft
Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges, part 2
Supporting Understanding of Boundary Layer Ingesting Model Experiment (SUBLIME)
Installed adVAnced Nacelle uHbr Optimisation and Evaluation (IVANHOE)
Reduction of Propeller Noise for Future Electrical Aircrafts
Strategic research project on Chalmers on hydro- and aerodynamics
Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges
Psychoacoustics of Flow-Induced Cabin Noise
In Vitro Model of Whiplash Trauma in Dorsal Root Ganglia – A Pilot Study
Reduction of noise from centriugal fans