Antonio Martini
Visar 47 publikationer
An Overview and Comparison of Technical Debt Measurement Tools
Process Debt: a First Exploration
The Influence of Technical Debt on Software Developer Morale
Carrot and Stick approaches when managing Technical Debt
How Regulations of Safety-Critical Software Affect Technical Debt
Technical Debt Triage in Backlog Management
Evolution of technical debt: An exploratory study
Technical Debt Cripples Software Developer Productivity
Managing architectural technical debt: A unified model and systematic literature review
Technical debt interest assessment: From issues to project
Time to Pay Up - Technical Debt from a Software Quality Perspective
Revealing social debt with the CAFFEA framework: An antidote to architectural debt
The magnificent seven: Towards a systematic estimation of technical debt interest
An investigation of Technical Debt in Automatic Production Systems
Looking for Peace of Mind? Manage your (Technical) Debt - An Exploratory Field Study
On the interest of architectural technical debt: Uncovering the contagious debt phenomenon
The Pricey Bill of Technical Debt - When and by whom will it be paid?
A systematic literature review and a unified model of ATD
The introduction of technical debt tracking in large companies. A Survey and Multiple Case-Study
The Introduction of Technical Debt Tracking in Large Companies - A Survey and Multiple Case-Study
Co-existence of the 'technical debt' and 'software legacy' concepts
Exploring the Presence of Technical Debt in Industrial GUI-based Testware: A Case Study
The Perception of Technical Debt in the Embedded Systems Domain: An Industrial Case Study
Technical debt in Automated Production Systems
Towards Prioritizing Architecture Technical Debt: Information Needs of Architects and Product Owners
Towards introducing agile architecting in large companies: The CAFFEA framework
The Danger of Architectural Technical Debt: Contagious Debt and Vicious Circles
Role of Architects in Agile Organizations
Architecture Technical Debt: Understanding Causes and a Qualitative Model
A Framework for Speeding Up Interactions Between Agile Teams and Other Parts of the Organization
Teams Interactions Hindering Short-Term and Long-Term Business Goals
Communication factors for speed and reuse in large-scale agile software development
Managing Speed in Companies Developing Large-Scale Embedded Systems
Improving Businesses Success by Managing Interactions among Agile Teams in Large Organizations
Enablers and inhibitors for speed with reuse
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