Axel Berge
Visar 16 publikationer
Long term performance of vacuum insulation panels in hybrid insulation district heating pipes
Field measurements on a district heating pipe with vacuum insulation panels
Long-term performance of vacuum insulations panels in buildings and building systems
Changing internal pressure to achieve variable thermal conductivity in thermal insulation
Assessing the Thermal Performance of District Heating Twin Pipes with Vacuum Insulation Panels
Effect from a Variable U-Value in Adaptive Building Components with Controlled Internal Air Pressure
Evaluation of long-term performance of VIPs
Evaluation of vacuum insulation panels used in hybrid insulation district heating pipes
Wooden stud walls with aerogel thermal insulation. Material properties and HAM-simulations
Determination of specific heat capacity by transient plane source
Using High Performance Insulation in District Heating Pipes
Determination of specific heat capacity by Transient Plane Source
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