Sabine Bonitz
Visar 13 publikationer
Numerical investigation of crossflow separation on the a-pillar of a passenger car
Experimental Investigation of the Near Wall Flow Downstream of a Passenger Car Wheel Arch
Flow Structure Identification over a Notchback Vehicle
Quantitative Tuft Flow Visualization on the Volvo S60 under realistic driving Conditions
Surface Flow Visualization on a Full-Scale Passenger Car with Quantitative Tuft Image Processing
Qualitative tuft flow visualization on the volvo S60 under realistic driving conditions
Investigations of the Rear-End Flow Structures on a Sedan Car
Structures of Flow Separation on a Passenger Car
Investigation of Wheel Ventilation-Drag using a Modular Wheel Design Concept
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Förbättrad prediktering av flödesseparation på vägfordon