Raul Barbosa
Visar 22 publikationer
A Probabilistic Analysis of a Leader Election Protocol for Virtual Traffic Lights
On probabilistic analysis of disagreement in synchronous consensus protocols
On reliability analysis of leader election protocols for virtual traffic lights
Benchmarking the Hardware Error Sensitivity of Machine Instructions
Reliability Analysis of Consensus in Cooperative Transport Systems (invited paper)
Toward dependability benchmarking of partitioning operating systems
Shared data from a study of measurement uncertainty in fault injection
Monitoring local progress with watchdog timers deduced from global properties
Comparing and validating measurements of dependability attributes
Opportunities from standardization in automotive safety assessment
GOOFI-2: A tool for experimental dependability assessment
Experiences from Verifying a Partitioning Kernel Using Fault Injection
Operating System Services for Recovering Errant Applications
On the Integrity of Lightweight Checkpoints
Implementation of a Flexible Membership Protocol on a Real-Time Ethernet Prototype
Flexible, Cost-Effective Membership Agreement in Synchronous Systems
Assembly-Level Pre-injection Analysis for Improving Fault Injection Efficiency
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