Changhai Li
Visar 18 publikationer
Effect of Cr3C2 Content on the Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Fe3Al/Cr3C2 Composites
Influence of Cr3C2 content on the wear properties of Cr3C2/Ni3Al composites
Microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered fibrous monolith cemented carbide
Study on fracture of the fibrous monolith cemented carbide
Wear Evaluation on Ni3Al/MnS Composite Related to Metallurgical Processes
Formation of In-Situ Dispersion Strengthening Particles in Cast FeCrAl Alloy
Wear of Ni3Al-based materials and its chromium-carbide reinforced composites
Toughening Effect and Oxidation Behavior of MoSi2-ZrO2 Composites
Ni3Al-based Intermetallic Alloys as A New Type of High-Temperature and Wear-Resistant Materials
Toughening effect and oxidation behavior of MoSi2-ZrO2 composites
Microstructure and properties stability of Al-alloyed MoSi2 matrix composites
Work Hardening and Flow Softening of γ-TiAl Containing Ni
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