Dina Chernikova
Visar 30 publikationer
Characterization of strong 241Am sources
Characterization of strong 241Am sources
Pulse shape discrimination of neutrons and gamma rays using Kohonen artificial neural networks
Monitoring fissile and matrix materials in closed containers by means of pulsed neutron sources
Testing of small detectors with glass rod light guides for multiplicity measurement purposes
Sensitivity of nonstationary neutron spectra in lead to nuclear data variations
Development of the Neutron-Gamma-Neutron (NGN) approach for the fresh and spent fuel assay
Derivation and quantitative analysis of the differential self-interrogation Feynman-alpha method
Two-point theory for the differential self-interrogation Feynman-alpha method
Derivation and quantitative analysis of the differential self-interrogation Feynman-alpha method
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Enhancing the experimental capabilities for research in nuclear security and safeguards
Forskning inom kärnämneskontroll
Testing of a new method for determination of the concentration of boron in the fuel pool with Cf-252
Snabbreaktorexperiment för hibrida tillämpningar