Lubomir Gradinarski
Visar 21 publikationer
Using a micro-rain radar to assess the editing of ground - based microwave radiometer data
Microwave measurement system for dispersive dielectric properties of densely packed pellets
Non-destructive density measurements of pharmaceutical products by THz imaging
A Microwave Measurement System for Measurement of Dielectric Properties
Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances
Microwave Measurements for Metal Vessels
Inverse scattering for a closed cavity equipped with microwave antenna sensors
Imaging pharmaceutical fluidized bed processing by electrical capacitance tomography
A method for detection of powder materials in metallic hollow structures using microwaves
Water vapour tomography using GPS phase observations: Results from the ESCOMPTE experiment
Measurements of Atmospheric Scintillations Induced by Water Vapor
Correlations Between Slant Wet Delays Measured by Microwave Radiometry
Ground-Based GPS Tomography of Water Vapor: Analysis of Simulated and Real Data
Calculating Mapping Functions from the HIRLAM Numerical Weather Prediction Model
GPS Tomography Using Phase Observations
MM5 derived ZWDs compared to observational results from VLBI, GPS and WVR
Horizontal gradients in the wet path delay derived from four years of microwave radiometer data
Remote sensing of small-scale structures of atmospheric water vapor
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