Mathias Stålek

Visar 15 publikationer


Validation of PARCS/RELAP5 Coupled codes against a Load Rejection Transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP

Alexander Agung, Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek et al
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 257, p. 31 - 44
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Role of Swedish Universities in Supporting SSM Activities in the Field of Deterministic Safety Analysis

Alexander Agung, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere et al
Prosiding Seminar Keselamatan Nuklir 2012, 4 July 2012, Jakarta, p. 1-16
Paper i proceeding

Analysis of a loss of normal feedwater transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/Mod.3.3

Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere, Mathias Stålek

Main steam line break calculations using a coupled relapsiparcs model for the ringhals-3 pressurized water reactor

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE16 2008; Orlando, FL; United States; 11 May 2008 through 15 May 2008. Vol. 2, p. 507-514
Paper i proceeding

Coupled RELAP5/PARCS main steam line break calculations before and after a power uprate of a Pressurized Water Reactor

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08; Interlaken; Switzerland; 14 September 2008 through 19 September 2008. Vol. 3, p. 1984-1991
Paper i proceeding

Analysis of a loss of feedwater case at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes

Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere et al
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE16 2008; Orlando, FL; United States; 11 May 2008 through 15 May 2008. Vol. 3, p. 135-144
Paper i proceeding

Development and validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS

Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 35 (12), p. 2397-2409
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Main steam line break calculations using a coupled RELAP5/PARCS model for the Ringhals-3 pressurized water reactor

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-16)
Paper i proceeding

Validational exercises with RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes using Ringhals-3 plant data

Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Conf. Physics of Reactors "Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource" (PHYSOR'08)
Paper i proceeding

Development and validation of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR

Jozsef Banati, Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-15)
Paper i proceeding

Coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic calculations in support to the power uprate of the Ringhals-3 PWR

Mathias Stålek, Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. 12th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-12)
Paper i proceeding

Validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS

Mathias Stålek, Christophe Demaziere
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Nuclear Analysis and Simulation (PHYSOR2006), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-14, 2006, American Nuclear Society
Paper i proceeding

Development of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR

Jozsef Banati, Christophe Demaziere, Mathias Stålek
Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Nuclear Analysis and Simulation (PHYSOR2006), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September 10-14, 2006, American Nuclear Society
Paper i proceeding

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