Mathias Stålek
Visar 15 publikationer
Validation of PARCS/RELAP5 Coupled codes against a Load Rejection Transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP
Analysis of a loss of normal feedwater transient at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/Mod.3.3
Analysis of a loss of feedwater case at the Ringhals-3 NPP using RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes
Development and validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS
Development and Applications of a General Coupled Thermal-hydraulic/Neutronic Model for the
Validational exercises with RELAP5/PARCS coupled codes using Ringhals-3 plant data
Development and validation of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR
Validation of a cross-section interface for PARCS
Development of a coupled PARCS/RELAP5 model of the Ringhals-3 PWR
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