Pontus Markström
Visar 12 publikationer
Material balances of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and ilmenite in a 100 kW CLC reactor system
Operation of a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor with Mexican petroleum coke and Cerrejón coal
Designing and operating a cold-flow model of a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor
Design, modelling and operation of a 100 kW chemical-looping combustor for solid fuels
Release of gas phase O2 from ilmenite during chemical-looping combustion experiments
Chemical-Looping Combustion in a 100 kW Unit for Solid Fuels
Modeling Aspects of Chemical-Looping Combustion for Solid Fuels
Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels in a 10 kWth Unit
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