Chao Fang
Visar 14 publikationer
Towards versatile access networks (Chapter 3)
Hybrid Precoding in Cooperative Millimeter Wave Networks
Joint scheduling and throughput maximization in self-backhauled millimeter wave cellular networks
On Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks: Current Status and Potentials
Coverage Analysis and Cooperative Hybrid Precoding for 5G Cellular Networks
Coordinated Hybrid Precoding for Energy-Efficient Millimeter Wave Systems
Coverage Analysis for Millimeter Wave Uplink Cellular Networks with Partial Zero-Forcing Receivers
Beamforming MIMO-OFDM Systems in the Presence of Phase Noises at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies
Delay-Sensitive Area Spectral Efficiency: A Performance Metric for Delay-Constrained Green Networks
On the performance of amplifier-aware dense networks: Finite block-length analysis
Equal Gain Combining in Poisson Networks With Spatially Correlated Interference Signals
Initial multi-node and antenna transmitter and receiver architectures and schemes; Deliverable D5.1
HARQ in Poisson Point Process-based Heterogeneous Networks
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt