Henrik Söderlund

Doktorand vid Produktionssystem

Henik is enrolled as a PhD student at the Division of Production Systems and has a background in mechanical and production engineering.

He conducts research in virtual manufacturing and simulation of production systems, with an ambition of leveraging extended reality technology (XR) as the interface between the physical and the virtual production system.

Källa: chalmers.se
Image of Henrik Söderlund

Visar 6 publikationer


How Can XR Enhance Collaboration with CAD/CAE Tools in Remote Design Reviews?

Garcia Rivera Francisco, Rostami Asreen, Mattsson Sandra et al
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. Vol. 52, p. 383-394
Paper i proceeding

VR interaction for efficient virtual manufacturing: mini map for multi-user VR navigation platform

Huizhong Cao, Henrik Söderlund, Mélanie Despeisse et al
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. Vol. 52, p. 335-345
Paper i proceeding

The Creation of a Multi-User Virtual Training Environment for Operator Training in VR

Henrik Söderlund, Sebastian Zamola, Jim Boström et al
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. Vol. 52, p. 173-184
Paper i proceeding

Simulation of Ergonomic Assembly Through a Digital Human Modeling Software

Henrik Söderlund, Leonard Bogojevic, Liang Gong et al
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Vol. 744, p. 220-228
Paper i proceeding

Interaction design for multi-user virtual reality systems: An automotive case study

Liang Gong, Henrik Söderlund, Leonard Bogojevic et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 93, p. 1259-1264
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt


Digital & Green Skills Towards Future of the Mobility Ecosystem (TRIREME)

Björn Johansson Produktionssystem
Henrik Söderlund Produktionssystem
Huizhong Cao Produktionssystem
Greta Braun Produktionssystem
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)



Björn Johansson Produktionssystem
Huizhong Cao Produktionssystem
Mélanie Despeisse Produktionssystem
Greta Braun Produktionssystem
Maria Ljunggren Environmental Systems Analysis
Johan Stahre Produktionssystem
Lars Nyborg Material och tillverkning
Henrik Söderlund Produktionssystem
Kristina Wärmefjord Produktutveckling
Jon Bokrantz Produktionssystem
Västra Götalandsregionen

1 publikation finns

PLENary multi-User developMent arena for industrial workspaces (PLENUM)

Björn Johansson Produktionssystem
Xiaoxia Chen Produktionssystem
Hao Wang Produktionssystem
Mélanie Despeisse Produktionssystem
Omkar Salunkhe Produktionssystem
Henrik Söderlund Produktionssystem
Huizhong Cao Produktionssystem

6 publikationer finns
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