Helen Hölzel
Visar 20 publikationer
Sustainable Heat Generation in Flow from a Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage System
Flow-Integrated Preparation of Norbornadiene Precursors for Solar Thermal Energy Storage
Unveiling the Potential of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Molecular Solar Thermal Systems
Two-way photoswitching norbornadiene derivatives for solar energy storage
Searches for bridged bicyclic molecules in space-norbornadiene and its cyano derivatives
Status and challenges for molecular solar thermal energy storage system based devices
Thermo-optical performance of molecular solar thermal energy storage films
Norbornadiene/Quadricyclane (NBD/QC) and conversion of solar energy
Tunable Energy Release in a Reversible Molecular Solar Thermal System
Photolytic Studies of Norbornadiene Derivatives under High-Intensity Light Conditions
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