Susanne Nilsson
Visar 13 publikationer
Effects of Inclusions of Oxidized Particles in XLPE on Treeing Phenomena
Dielectric response measurements during electrical treeing in sub-picofarad samples
Influence of Morphology Effects on Electrical Properties in XLPE
Continuous monitoring of dielectric properties of LDPE samples during electrical treeing
Structural effects on thermal properties and morphology in XLPE
The Effect of Crosslinking on Morphology and Electrical Properties in LDPE Intended for Power Cables
The effect of different type of crosslinks on electrical properties in crosslinked polyethylene
The Effect of Crosslinking on the Electrical Properties of LDPE
Structural effects on treeing phenomena in XLPE
The Effect of Crosslinking on Morphology and Water Treeing in LDPE
The Influence of Network Density and Physics of Crosslinked Polyethylene on Water Treeing
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