Niklas Israelsson

Visar 11 publikationer


In Situ Investigation of the Initial Stages of KCl-Induced Corrosion of a Chromia-Forming Steel at 450 degrees C Using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope

Nooshin Mortazavi Seyedeh, Luciana Intiso, Niklas Israelsson et al
Corrosion. Vol. 72 (1), p. 23-32
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Cyclic Corrosion and Chlorination of an FeCrAl Alloy in the Presence of KCl

Niklas Israelsson, K.A. Unocic, Kristina M Hellström et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 84 (3-4), p. 269-290
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Oxide Scales Formed on a Dispersion-Strengthened Powder Metallurgical FeCrAl Alloy at 900 A degrees C in O-2 and in O-2 + H2O

Kristina M Hellström, Niklas Israelsson, Mats Halvarsson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 84 (1-2), p. 1-19
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Oxidation of a Dispersion-Strengthened Powder Metallurgical FeCrAl Alloy in the Presence of O2 at 1,100°C: The Influence of Water Vapour

Kristina M Hellström, Niklas Israelsson, Nooshin Mortazavi Seyedeh et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 83 (5-6), p. 533-558
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

In Situ ESEM Investigation of KCl-Induced Corrosion of a FeCrAl and a Model FeNiCrAl Alloy in Lab Air at 450 degrees C

Nooshin Mortazavi Seyedeh, Luciana Intiso, Niklas Israelsson et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 162 (14), p. C744-C753
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Microstructural and Kinetic Investigation of the KCl-Induced Corrosion of an FeCrAl Alloy at 600 A degrees C

Niklas Israelsson, K.A. Unocic, Kristina M Hellström et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 84 (1-2), p. 105-127
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

KCl-Induced Corrosion of an FeCrAl Alloy at 600°C in O2 + H2O Environment: The Effect of Pre-oxidation

Niklas Israelsson, Josefin Engkvist, Kristina M Hellström et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 83 (1-2), p. 29-53
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

KCl-Induced Corrosion of the FeCrAl Alloy Kanthal® AF at 600°C and the Effect of H2O

Niklas Israelsson, Kristina M Hellström, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 83 (1-2), p. 1-27
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

High Temperature Oxidation and Chlorination of FeCrAl alloys

Niklas Israelsson

The initial effect of KCl deposit on alumina scales characterized by ToF-SIMS and AES

Josefin Engkvist, Niklas Israelsson, U. Bexell
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 45 (1), p. 445-448
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

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