Daniel Cederkrantz

Visar 12 publikationer


Finite element modeling of the Hot Disc method

Besira Mekonnen Mihiretie, Daniel Cederkrantz, Arne Rosen et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 115, p. 216-223
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Besira Mekonnen Mihiretie, Daniel Cederkrantz, Arne Rosen et al
Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences 2017
Paper i proceeding

Thermal depth profiling of materials for defect detection using hot disk technique

Besira Mekonnen Mihiretie, Daniel Cederkrantz, Maria Sundin et al
AIP Advances. Vol. 6 (8), p. artikel nr 085217-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thermal conductivity versus depth profiling of inhomogeneous materials using the hot disc technique

Andrey Sizov, Daniel Cederkrantz, Lars Salmi et al
Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 87 (7), p. 074901-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Scheme for Monitoring Hoof Wall Structure and Health in Sport Horses

Karl Hanstorp, Besira Mekonnen Mihiretie, Magnus Karlsteen et al
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support, p. 171-175
Paper i proceeding

E4-Mistra, a research program for the development of an energy efficient low emission exhaust aftertreatment system for heavy duty vehicles

J. Edvardsson, H. Westberg, JAZAER DAWODY et al
World Renewable Energy Forum, WREF 2012, Including World Renewable Energy Congress XII and Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) Annual Conference;Denver, CO;13 17 May 2012. Vol. 6, p. 4530-4536
Paper i proceeding

Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si by addition of TiO2 nanoparticles

Daniel Cederkrantz, Nader Farahi, K. A. Borup et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 111 (2)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thermoelectric properties of Ba8Ga16Ge30 with TiO2 nanoinclusions

Richard Heijl, Daniel Cederkrantz, M. Nygren et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 112 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thermoelectric Ba8Ga16Ge30 clathrates for waste heat recovery

Daniel Cederkrantz

Thermoelectric properties of partly Sb- and Zn-substituted Ba8Ga16Ge30 clathrates

Daniel Cederkrantz, Mats Nygren, Anders Palmqvist
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 108 (11), p. 113711-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thermal stability and thermoelectric properties of p-type Ba8Ga16Ge30 clathrates

Daniel Cederkrantz, A. Saramat, G. J. Snyder et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 106 (7), p. 074509 (artno)-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

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