Miriam Bergman
Visar 12 publikationer
Modification of a Diesel Oil Surrogate Model for 3D CFD Applied to Conventional and HCCI Combustion
CFD-based Analysis of Combustion Processes in a Free-Piston Diesel Engine
Application of Transient Temperature vs. Equivalence Ratio Emission Maps to Engine Simulations
CFD Modelling of a Free-Piston Engine Using Detailed Chemistry
Modeling of Diesel Oil and DME Performance In a Two-Stroke Free Piston Engine
Modeling the Effect of Injection Schedule Change on Free Piston Engine Operation
Performance and Emission Formation Evaluation of a Diesel-Fueled Free Piston Engine using CFD
Chemical Mechanisms for Modelling HCCI with Gasoline and Diesel Oil Surrogates
Numerical Simulation of a Free Piston Engine Using a Modified EDC Combustion Approach
CFD Modeling of a Two-Stroke Free Piston Energy Converter using Detailed Chemistry
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