Ming Xiao
Visar 26 publikationer
6G Wireless Communications: Vision and Potential Techniques
Optimal Energy Beamforming and Data Routing for Immortal Wireless Sensor Networks
Cross-Layer Design of Rateless Random Network Codes for Delay optimization
CELTIC CP5-026 WINNER+, D1.9 Final Innovation Report
Optimal Decoding and Performance Analysis of a Noisy Channel Network with Network Coding
On the Bit Error Probability of Noisy Channel Networks with Intermediate Node Encoding
Systematic Binary Deterministic Rateless Codes
Efficient Coding Techniques for Networks & Channels with Transmission Errors
Maximal-likelihood decoding and performance analysis of a noisy channel network with network coding
A Binary Coding Approach for Combination Networks and General Erasure Networks
On Analysis and Design of Low Density Generator Matrix Codes for Continuous Phase Modulation
Energy-Efficient Network Coding for the Noisy Channel Network
On the Error Probability of a Noisy Channel Network Using Network Coding
A Physical Layer Aspect of Network Coding with Statistically Independent Noisy Channels
Serially concatenated continuous phase modulation with convolutional codes over rings
Rate-Adaptive CPM with Punctured LDGM Codes in Slow-Fading Channels
Irregular Repeat Continuous Phase Modulation
On Design of LDGM Codes for CPM
On Performance Bounds for Serially Concatenated Codes with the General Inner Code and Interleaver
Some concatenated and iterative decoding approaches for continuous phase modulation
serially concatenated continuous phase modulation with ring convolutional codes
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