Penny Bergman
Visar 22 publikationer
Off-peak low noise heavy-duty vehicles, façade insulation and indoor noise disturbance
Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicle
Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicles
The role of embodied emotions in perceptual decisions and categorization of sounds
Assessing the effects of temperature on impulse control and interpretation of facial expressions
Auralisation of truck engine sound – preliminary results using a granular approach
Emoacoustics: A study of the psychoacoustical and psychological dimensions of emotional sound design
The pleasant heat? A study of thermal-emotion associations
The possibility of restoration in auditory environments
Audio-visual integration of emotional information
Stress recovery during exposure to preferred and non-preferred environmental noise
Sound preference as a moderator to restorative environments
Emoacoustics: a study on the physical and psychological dimensions of sound design
Perceptual and emotional categorization of sound
Perception of simple sounds from an emotional point of view
Emoacoustics: sound character versus source meaning in emotional responses to sounds
Emotion and meaning in interpretation of sound sources
Emotion and meaning in interpretation of sound sources
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