Simone Fischer-Hübner

Gästprofessor vid Informationssäkerhet image

Visar 6 publikationer


Inter-regional Lens on the Privacy Preferences of Drivers for ITS and Future VANETs

Lejla Islami, Agnieszka Kitkowska, Simone Fischer-Hübner
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings
Paper i proceeding

Privacy impact assessments in the wild: A scoping review

Leonardo Horn Iwaya, Ala Sarah Alaqra, M.T. Hansen et al
Array. Vol. 23

Tapping into Privacy: A Study of User Preferences and Concerns on Trigger-Action Platforms

Piero Romare, Victor Morel, Farzaneh Karegar et al
2023 20th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, PST 2023
Paper i proceeding

Transparency of Privacy Risks Using PIA Visualizations

Ala Sarah Alaqra, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Farzaneh Karegar
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 14045 LNCS, p. 3-17
Paper i proceeding

Automating privacy decisions -where to draw the line?

Victor Morel, Simone Fischer-Hübner
Proceedings - 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Euro S and PW 2023, p. 108-116
Paper i proceeding

Exploring User-Suitable Metaphors for Differentially Private Data Analyses

Farzaneh Karegar, Ala Sarah Alaqra, Simone Fischer-Hübner
Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, SOUPS 2022, p. 175-193
Paper i proceeding

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