Andreas Wolfgang
Visar 19 publikationer
Distributed MIMO Systems for 6G
MCRB-based Performance Analysis of 6G Localization under Hardware Impairments
6G Radio Requirements to Support Integrated Communication, Localization, and Sensing
Uplink Multiuser MIMO-OFDM System in the Presence of Phase Noises, Power Imbalance, and Correlation
Multi-User Phase Noises on Uplink MIMO-OFDM Systems
Evaluation of Waveforms for Mobile Radio Communications Above 6 GHz
Initial multi-node and antenna transmitter and receiver architectures and schemes; Deliverable D5.1
Higher order MIMO outdoor-to-indoor measurements using repeaters
Impact of frequency selective channels on a line-of-sight MIMO microwave radio link
An Efficient Signaling for Multi-mode Transmission in Multi-user MIMO
Advanced Repeaters in Cellular Communication Systems
Joint Transmission with Significant CSI in the Downlink of Distributed Antenna Systems
Design and evaluation of a 2 x 2 MIMO repeater
Resource allocation and linear precoding for relay assisted multiuser MIMO systems
Measuring Performance of 3GPP LTE Terminals and Small Base Stations in Reverberation Chambers
Performance Analysis of Distributed versus Co-located MIMO-OFDM
Downlink performance and capacity of distributed antenna systems based on realistic channel model
Calculated and measured absorption cross sections of lossy objects in reverberation chamber
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