Xingsi Han
Visar 12 publikationer
Very-Large-Eddy Simulation Based on k-omega Model
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Control Around a Cube Subjected to Momentum Injection
Study of active flow control for a simplified vehicle model using the PANS method
Very Large Eddy Simulation of Passive Drag Control for a D-Shaped Cylinder
Validation of a novel very large eddy simulation method for simulation of turbulent separated flow
An efficient Very Large Eddy Simulation model for simulation of turbulent flow
Large eddy simulation of flow control around a cube subjected to momentum injection
A new very large eddy simulation model for simulation of turbulent flow
Study of active flow control for a simplified vehicle model using PANS turbulence model
Calibration of a new very large eddy simulation (VLES) methodology for turbulent flow simulation
Numerical investigation of passive flow control around a D-shaped bluff body
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