Xuechen Liu
Hello! I am Dr. Hugh Xuechen LIU, now a postdoc at the Unit of Data Science and AI, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering. My current work is about game art and how machine learning can contribute. I also do research on the design of geolocation augmented reality mobile games and blockchain games. Before joining Chalmers, I worked as a researcher in the senior executive search company Perrett Laver for half a year and as a postdoc at the City University of Hong Kong even before that.

Visar 7 publikationer
“Infinity Book”: Critical Speculation on How Generative AI Shapes the Socio-Material World
Calling for Play-oriented Research on Blockchain Games: An Overview Study
Call for Critical and Speculative Design in Human-Computer Co-creativity: An Overview Study
Proxies to the monthly active user number of Geo AR Mobile games– online search volume as a proposal
A design strategy for Geo AR mobile game sustainable success emphasizing game completeness
Building the "Complete Game" : An Overview Study of a Development Strategy for Geo AR Mobile Games
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