An explorative analysis of the MedGICard-study
Forskningsprojekt, 2023
– 2025
The Parties' intention is to engage in research co-operation to evaluate a novelapproach to identify individuals that are likely to respond with stronger metabolicbenefits from a high dietary fibre diet as part of a Mediterranean diet usingmeasurements of circulating short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in response to a wholeday dietary challenge (meal test). The aim is further to explore to what extent adietary intervention with high vs. low GI foods as part of a Mediterranean dietcauses alterations in immunoglobulin G N-glycans that have previously beenshown to be associated with incident type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease(CVD).
Rikard Landberg (kontakt)
Chalmers, Life sciences, Livsmedelsvetenskap
Projekt-id: PONo4900241623
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2023–2025