Increasing Capacity 4 Rail networks through enhanced infrastructure and optimised operations (CAPACITY4RAIL)
Forskningsprojekt, 2013
– 2017
In 2011, the White Paper on European Transport reasserted how fundamental transport was for society, for the mobility of European citizens and for the growth and vitality of the European eomy.CAPACITY4RAIL will deliver research that is innovative, prepares rail for the future and takes into account results from previous research projects and programmes. The project builds on previous useable results and will deliver both technical demonstrations and system wide guidelines and recommendations that will be the basis for future research and investment, increasing the capacities of rail networks in the future.The time used for infrastructure monitoring, maintenance and renewal means down time. New cepts for low maintenance infrastructure, using standardized and plug-and-play cepts will be proposed. Non-intrusive innovative monitoring techniques or self-monitoring infrastructure will be investigated, allowing low or no impact on train operations.The fragility of some key component of the infrastructure system (especially in extreme weather ditions) such as switches may impact the efficiency of the whole system. The resilience of switches to any kind of known failure will be reinforced, as well as the ability of the operation system to recover from incidents.Capacity enhancements will also be achieved by higher speed freight vehicles, allowing an optimized interleaving of freight trains into mixed traffic, and improved planning models for operation.Intermodal integration within the global transport system will be improved through enhanced transhipment of passengers and freight.CAPACITY4RAIL will also look towards 2030/2050, by proposing guidelines for future deployments in the mid-term, recommendations for technologies to de developed and deployed in the long term and investigating the key opportunities for funding these within national and EU funding schemes.
Anders Ekberg (kontakt)
Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Dynamik
Acciona Infraestructuras
Alcobendas-Madrid, Spain
Adevice Solutions S.L.
Sevilla, Spain
Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias
Madrid, Spain
Ansaldo STS
Genova, Italy
Paris, France
Cargosped Spolka Z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnoscia
Warsawa, Poland
Centro de Estudios y Experimentacion de Obras Publicas (Cedex)
Madrid, Spain
Centro de Estudios y Experimentacion de Obras Publicas (Cedex)
Madrid, Spain
Comsa Sau
Barcelona, Spain
Deutsche Bahn
Berlin, Germany
European Federation Of Railway Trackworks Contractors
Petange, Luxemburg
Fundacion De La Comunidad Valenciana Para La Investigacion, Promocion Y Estudios Comerciales De Valenciaport
Valencia, Spain
Fundacion Ferrocarriles Espanoles
Madrid, Spain
Ingenieria Y Economia Del Transporte S.A.
Madrid, Spain
Instituto Superior Tecnico
Lisboa, Portugal
Instytut Kolejnictwa
Warszawa, Poland
Knorr-Bremse Systeme Fur Schienenfahrzeuge Gmbh Kb
Munchen, Germany
Kockums Industrier Ab
Malmö, Sweden
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)
Stockholm, Sweden
L'Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux (IFSTTAR)
Champs-Sur-Marne, France
Linköpings universitet
Linköping, Sweden
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
London, United Kingdom
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Newopera Aisbl
Brussels, Belgium
Oltis Group As
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Rede Ferroviaria Nacional
Lisboa, Portugal
Reseau Ferre De France Epic
Paris, France
Sapienza Università di Roma
Roma, Italy
Societe De Transports De Vehicules Automobiles Sa
Paris Cedex 17, France
Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais
Paris, France
Systra Sa
Paris 09, France
TRL Limited
Wokingham, United Kingdom
Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden, Germany
Borlänge, Sweden
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demir Yollari Isletmesi Genel Mudurlugu
Ankara, Turkey
Union Internationale Des Chemins De Fer
Paris, France
Union des Industries Ferroviaires Europeennes (Unife)
Brussels, Belgium
Universidade do Porto
Porto, Portugal
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
University of Huddersfield
Huddersfield, United Kingdom
University of Sheffield
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Uppsala universitet
Uppsala, Sweden
Vae Gmbh
Wien, Austria
Van Dieren Sweden Ab
Ahus, Sweden
Werdohl, Germany
Vossloh Cogifer Sa
Rueil Malmaison, France
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)
Projekt-id: EC/FP7/605650
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2013–2017
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