Strategic Research Centre for 4th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4DH)
Forskningsprojekt, 2012
– 2017
The aim of the Strategic Research Centre is to assist in the development of 4 th Generation District Heating Technologies and Systems (4GD H). Such development is fundamental to the implementation of the Danish objective of being fossil fuel-free by 2050 as well as the European 2020 goals. Moreover, the sector has a significant green growth potential. Currently, district heat is delivered to millions of end-consumers in mo re than 5,000 European systems. Denmark is one of the front runn ers with a district heating shar e of approx. 50 per cent and substantial exports of technology . At present, the Danish dist rict heating industry employs more than 9,000 people and generates a turnover of approx. 20 billion DKK per year [1]. Recent studies conclude that district heating has the potential for playing an important role in the future in terms of utilising essential resources such as CHP, geothermal energy, industrial surplus heat, waste and biomass. On the other hand, district heating must co-exist with substantial energy savings and conservation measures in the heat demand. Consequently, district heating faces a signific ant challenge in terms of its ability to optimise, re-design and further develop the technological concept in orde r to decrease losses and, by the use of low temperatures, create a synergy be tween conservation an d higher efficiencies in production. The 4DH Centre will generate knowledge in, am ong others, the followin g areas: Design of future district heating network technologies including the developmen t of components and concepts; planning and management tools base d on Geographical Information System (GIS); and tools for decision-making support of the involvement of production units in electricity markets.
Erik Ahlgren (kontakt)
Chalmers, Rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap, Energiteknik
AffaldVarme Aarhus
Aarhus, Denmark
Lygnby, Denmark
Danfoss A/S
Nordborg, Denmark
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
Lyngby, Denmark
Aalborg, Denmark
Fjernvarme Fyn
Odense, Denmark
Forskningscenter Risø
Roskilde, Denmark
Aalborg, Denmark
Högskolan i Halmstad
Halmstad, Sweden
Köpenhamns universitet
Köbenhavn, Denmark
Københavns Energi
København, Denmark
Växjö, Sweden
Løgstørs kommun
Løgstør, Denmark
Allerød, Denmark
Skørping, Denmark
Ramböll AB
Copenhagen, Denmark
Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune
Ringkøbing, Denmark
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Zagreb, Croatia
Syddansk Universitet
Odense, Denmark
Tsinghua University
Peking, China
Glostrup, Denmark
Aalborg Universitet
Projekt-id: 4DH
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2012–2017