Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network (SCRREEN)
Forskningsprojekt, 2016
– 2019
Since the publication of the first list of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) in 2010 by the Ad-hoc Working Group on CRM, numerous European projects have addressed (part of) the CRMs value and several initiatives have contributed to gather (part of) the related community into clusters and associations. This led to the production of important knowledge, unfortunately disseminated. Numerous databases have also been developed, sometimes as duplicates.
For the first time in the history, SCRREEN aims at gathering European initiatives, associations, clusters, and projects working on CRMs into along lasting Expert Network on Critical Raw Materials, including the stakeholders, public authorities and civil society representatives.
SCRREEN will contribute to improve the CRM strategy in Europe by (i) mapping primary and secondary resources as well as substitutes of CRMs, (ii) estimating the expected demand of various CRMs in the future and identifying major trends, (iii) providing policy and technology recommendations for actions improving the production and the potential substitution of CRM, (iv) addressing specifically WEEE and other EOL products issues related to their mapping and treatment standardization and (vi) identifying the knowledge gained over the last years and easing the access to these data beyond the project.
The project consortium also acknowledges the challenges posed by the disruptions required to devlop new CRM strategies, which is why stakeholder dialogue is at the core of SCRREEN: policy, society, R&D and industrial decision-makers are involved to facilitate strategic knowledge-based decisions making to be carried out by these groups. A specific attention will also be brought on informing the general public on our strong dependence on imported raw materials, on the need to replace rare materials with substitutes and on the need to set up innovative and clean actions for exploration, extraction, processing and recycling.
Teodora Retegan Vollmer (kontakt)
Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material
Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico (ENEA) Sostenibile (ENEA)
Roma, Italy
Amphos 21 Consulting
Barcelona, Spain
British Geological Survey (BGS)
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Hannover, Germany
Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM)
Paris, France
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse (GEUS)
Copenhagen, Denmark
ENCO Engineering & Consulting
Naples, Italy
Saronno, Italy
Munchen, Germany
Gemensamma forskningscentrumet (JRC), Europeiska kommissionen
Brussels, Belgium
Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK)
Espoo, Finland
Geološki zavod Slovenije (GeoZS)
Ljubljana, Slovenia
La Rinconda, Spain
Innovate UK
Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych
Gliwice, Poland
LGI Consulting
Paris, France
Le Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA)
Gif-sur-Yvette, France
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Athens, Greece
PNO Consultants
Zaventem, Belgium
Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning (SGU)
Uppsala, Sweden
Kista, Sweden
TU Delft
Delft, Netherlands
Derio, Spain
Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus (VTT)
Espoo, Finland
United Nations University
Tokyo, Japan
Universidad de Burgos
Burgos, Spain
Universiteit Leiden
Leiden, Netherlands
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)
Projekt-id: EC/H2020/730227
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2016–2019
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