Cost-effective drivetrains for fuel cell powered EVs
Forskningsprojekt, 2017
– 2019
On-board vehicles fuel-cell stacks convert the hydrogen to electricity, which drives electric motors through energy buffer and inverters. The only waste is water during the conversion. Liquefied hydrogen has very high energy density and is especially suitable for the energy-intensive vehicles with minimal recharging/refilling needs.
The technical goal of the project is to find an innovative solution for fuel cell powered drivetrain to achieve low cost and high performance. The results will be beneficial for battery power EV as well.
Research points:
Þ DC/DC converter topologies
Þ Energy buffer devices, type and capacity, batteries and super-capacitors
Þ DC-link voltage and its quality
Þ Inverter and electric motor: distributed drives or integrated drives
Þ Optimized system design (fuel cell tank, fuel cell stacks, drivetrains) for a specific vehicle.
A drivetrain model, including fuel cell stacks, energy buffer, power electronics, and electric motor, will be built for evaluation of different topologies and designs.
The project is a competence building project in the aspects of (1) fuel cell technology, (2) applications in stationary and mobile installations, (3) compatibility with battery technology, (4) DC/DC converter, electric motors and drives.
A down-scaled (5 kW) lab set-up of a fuel-cell powered drivetrain will be used for demonstration of the selected concept in the later part of the project.
A licentiate thesis will be presented after the project for the public audience.
Yujing Liu (kontakt)
Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Elkraftteknik
Qian Xun
Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Elkraftteknik
Scania AB
Södertälja, Sweden
Volvo Cars
Göteborg, Sweden
Kompetenscentrum för forskning och utveckling av el- och hybridfordon (SHC)
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2017–2019
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