Yujing Liu
Efter 17 år på ABB Corporate Research Center i Sverige blev Yujing Liu professor i elkraft i 2013 med fokus på tillämpningar av elmaskiner och kraftelektronik i hållbara elsystem. Yujing Liu leder sin forskargrupp att utveckla innovativa och kostnadseffektiva lösningar för förnybar energiomvandling och transportelektrifiering. Några exempel på pågående forskning inkluderar (1) elektriskt magnetiserade maskin; (2) integrerad PE-maskin drivsystem; (3) bränslecell drivsystem; (4) moduler distribuerade fordonsdrift; (5) 5-nivå MV NPC-omriktare och MV PM generator för förnybar energi; (6) synkron reluktans motor; och (7) induktiv laddning. Han är uppdragsledare i 2 EU Horizon2020 projekt. Han undervisar elektriska drivsystem (masterstudentkurs, 80 studenter) och hög-verkningsgrad elmaskiner (doktorandkurs, 26 studenter) och handleder 9 doktorander, 1 postdoc och flera projektforskare och masterstudenter. 2018 utsågs han till enhetschef för Elmaskiner och kraftelektronik vid Chalmers institution för Elektroteknik.
Visar 83 publikationer
Zero Voltage Switching for High Power Threephase Inductive Power Transfer with a Dual Active Bridge
Revolutionizing Mobility: The Second Life of Onboard Charging Systems in Commercial Vehicles
Fast and Accurate Non-linear Model for Synchronous Machines Including Core Losses
Digital Control Implementation for Coupling Independent IPT Systems without Communication
A Mechanical-Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Bench for Verification of Multi-Motor Drivetrain Systems
Active Balancing of Reconfigurable Batteries Using Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Common Mode Power Control of Three-Phase Inverter for Auxiliary Load without Access to Neutral Point
Chance-constrained robust co-design optimization for fuel cell hybrid electric trucks
A Novel Approach of Electric Powertrain Co-Simulation with High Fidelity Vehicle Model
Experimental Characterization of Fuel Cells, Supercapacitors, and Their Passive Connection
A Hybrid Energy Storage System with Reconfigurability and Fast Equalisation
Lithium-ion Battery State of Health Estimation with Recurrent Convolution Neural Networks
Acceleration-based wheel slip control realized with decentralised electric drivetrain systems
Joint Component Sizing and Energy Management for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Trucks
Sizing and Management of Fuel Cell Based Powertrains for City Ferry Applications
Accelerated destructive experiment design of motor stator winding insulation systems
Experimental evaluation of conductor insulations used in e-mobility traction motors
Drive Cycle Energy Efficiency of Fuel Cell/Supercapacitor Passive Hybrid Vehicle System
A Review on Different Aspects of Traction Motor Design for Railway Applications
Thermal and Manufacturing Aspects of Traction Motors Potting: A Deep Experimental Evaluation
Energy Efficiency Comparison of Hybrid Powertrain Systems for Fuel-Cell-Based Electric Vehicles
Loss Reduction by Synchronous Rectification in a 50 kW SiC-based Inductive Power Transfer System
A New Battery Active Balancing Method with Supercapacitor Considering Regeneration Process
Sizing and energy efficiency analysis of a multi-phase FSCW PMSM drive for traction application
Design of Maximum Power Point Tracking for Dynamic Power Response of Tidal Undersea Kite Systems
A Full Power Range ZVS Control Technology for Bidirectional Inductive Power Transfer System
Designing Thermally Uniform Heatsink with Rectangular Pins for High-Power Automotive SiC Inverters
Modelling and simulation of fuel cell/ supercapacitor passive hybrid vehicle system
Rotor Design of Line-Start Synchronous Reluctance Machine With Round Bars
Design and Stray Field Evaluation of Inductive Power Transfer in Electric Vehicle Charging
Comparisons of Concentrated and Distributed Winding PMSM in MV Power Generation
Generator Speed Control and Experimental Verification of Tidal Undersea Kite Systems
Feed-Forward Control for Active Voltage Balancing in Electric Drives with Five-Level NPC Converters
Multiple electrical machines applied for high drive train efficiency
A Comparative Study of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Hybridization with Battery or Supercapacitor
Commutation Torque-ripple Minimization for Brushless DC Motor Based on Quasi-Z-Source Inverter
Direct-on-line-start permanent-magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance machine with ferrite magnets
Sensorless control of a PMSM with a transmission system including shunt branches
High frequency exciter of electrically excited synchronous motors for vehicle applications
Finite element analysis of end ring impedance in squirrel cage induction machines
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Visar 30 forskningsprojekt
Elektriskt framdrivningssystem för bärplansbåtar
Battery environmental conditions for safe operation in electric ships
Hög prestanda elektriska drivlina för elektriska borrriggar (E-drill)
Hydropower operation and lifetime analysis
Hållbart och effektivt motordrivsystem för e-mobilitetsapplikationer (SEMDY)
Power electronics optimisation for next generation electric vehicle components (PowerDrive)
HIPO - Integrated High-speed Power Systems for Industry and Mobile Applications
HipeDrive - Högpresterande drivlina för fullelektriska tunga lastbilar och premium personbilar
48V drivlina, FFI genomförbarhetsstudie
Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications (DORNA)
Dynamic reconfiguration of vehicle battery systems
Trends in Energy Storage Technologies (TEST)
AI-assisterad realtids digital twin för elektriska drivlinor
Elektrifiering av marin urbana transportsystem – Förstudie laddning
Elektrifiering av marin urbanatransportsystem - Förstudie laddning
Analys och förbättring av isolationssystem i elmotorer utsatta för hög switchfrekvens
Analys och förbättring av isolationssystem i elmotorer utsatta för hög switchfrekvens omriktare
Analys och förbättring av isolationssystem i elmotorer utsatta för hög switchfrekvens
Modulär induktiv energiöverföring (IPT) för högeffekt fordonsladdning
iTEM - Integrerad Transmission och Elektrisk motor
Propeller-integrated motor drive for electric medium size boats
Bränslecellsdrivsystem med svävande spänning
Integrated Modular Distributed Drivetrain for Electric/Hybrid Vehicles
Cost-effective drivetrains for fuel cell powered EVs
Integrerade drivsystem för elektriska fordon
Elmaskin med variabelt flöde för elfordon
Power Take-Off System for a Subsea Tidal Kite (PowerKite)