Calculation of dynamical characteristics of human gait with below-knee prosthesis
Övrigt konferensbidrag, 2013

The mathematical modeling problem of human gait with below-knee prosthesis is investigated. The kinematic, dynamic and energetic characteristics of the gait are determined based on mathematical model of human locomotor apparatus and experimental data. The experimental data of joint angles in hip, knee and ankle and reaction forces are obtained by biomechanical investigation in a sequence consisting of nearly 20 steps. The sequence of N steps reduced to double stride period and mean square domains (𝜀 - tubes) of variations of joint angles and reaction forces have been built. The stiffness characteristics of ankle and metatarsal joints of the prosthesis device are also given from experimental investigation. The human gait with below-knee prosthesis modeling problem is formulated as a nonlinear optimal control problem with restrictions imposed both on the phase coordinates and controlling stimuli and non-differentiable energetic functional. The optimization approach based on energetic optimal principle of human locomotion is used for gait characteristics calculating.

human gait

below-knee prosthesis


energy-optimal control


Viktor Berbyuk


M.V. Demydyuk

National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine

B.A. Lytwyn

National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine

Proceedings of 15-th International Conference on System Analysis and Information Technologies, N.D. Pankratova (Ed.), Kyiv, Ukraine, May 27-31, 2013

978-966-2748-32-1 (ISBN)

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)




Livsvetenskaper och teknik (2010-2018)

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