Interdependency between average novelty, individual average novelty, and variety
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2015

Idea generation is an important part of the engineering design process, and therefore significant research efforts have focused on developing methods to support designers in generating ideas. A key factor is the measurement of ideation effectiveness. The effectiveness of idea generation methods can be measured using metrics such as novelty, variety, quantity, and quality. Average novelty (AN) of a set of ideas is also used as one of the ideation metrics. However, the interdependency between AN and variety has been given little attention. An investigation of the interdependency between these metrics is important to enhance our understanding of the metrics of ideation, and thereby to develop methods for improving ideation effectiveness. This article examines the interdependency between AN and variety. In addition, the metric ‘individual average novelty (IAN)’ has been introduced, and the interdependency between ‘IAN’ and variety has been investigated.


individual average novelty


average novelty

conceptual design


Santosh Jagtap

Lunds universitet

Andreas Larsson

Lunds universitet

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs

Chalmers, Produkt- och produktionsutveckling, Design and Human Factors

Elin Olander

Lunds universitet

Anders Warell

Lunds universitet

International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation

2165-0349 (ISSN) 2165-0357 (eISSN)

Vol. 3 1 43-60





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