Viktor Hjort af Ornäs

Visar 39 publikationer


Potential of Additive-Manufactured Products in Building Brands

Monica Hestad, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
Additive Manufacturing: Design, Methods, and Processes, p. 165-198
Kapitel i bok

The clothesline approach to notions in participatory design

Sara Ljungblad, Olof Torgersson, Eva Eriksson et al
PDC'16 - Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Interactive Exhibitions, Workshops. Vol. 2 (vol 2), p. 113-114
Paper i proceeding


Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, M. Keitsch
Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinary, p. 614-619
Paper i proceeding


Håkan Burden, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinary, p. 552-557
Paper i proceeding

The Clothesline Approach to Notions Concerning the H in HCI

Sara Ljungblad, Olof Torgersson, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs et al
9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden, 23-27 October 2016. Vol. 23-27-October-2016
Paper i proceeding

Questions of value - Ethics in the design curriculum

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Martina Keitsch
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Great Expectations: Design Teaching, Research and Enterprise, E and PDE 2015, p. 208-213
Paper i proceeding

Interdependency between average novelty, individual average novelty, and variety

Santosh Jagtap, Andreas Larsson, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs et al
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. Vol. 3 (1), p. 43-60
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Media and representations in product design education

Maral Babapour Chafi, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Oskar Rexfelt et al
A. Eger, A. Kovacevic, & B. E. Parkinson (Eds.), Design Education & Human Technology Relations, Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, p. 42-47
Paper i proceeding

The spread of product development methodology: Exploring drivers and barriers in Swedish Industry

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Anders Warell, Andreas Larsson et al
10th Biannual NordDesign Conference, NordDesign 2014, Espoo, Finland, 27-29 August, p. 540-549
Paper i proceeding

Design methods and factors influencing their uptake in product development companies: A review

Santosh Jagtap, Anders Warell, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs et al
DS 77: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2014 13th International Design Conference, p. 231-240
Paper i proceeding

Craft Brewery Brands: self-awareness through performance

Monika Hestad, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Anders Groenli
Erik Bohemia, Alison Rieple, Jeanne Liedtka, & Rachel Cooper (Eds.), Design Management in an Era of Disruption- Proceedings of the 19th DMI: Academic Design, p. 504-529
Paper i proceeding

Metaphors in Design Curricula

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Martina Keitsch, Kjersti Schulte
A. Eger, A. Kovacevic, & B. E. Parkinson (Eds.), Design Education & Human Technology Relations - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education., p. 600-605
Paper i proceeding

How design process for the Base of the Pyramid differs from that for the Top of the Pyramid

Santosh Jagtap, Andreas Larsson, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs et al
Design Studies. Vol. 35 (5), p. 527-558
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Editorial: Design’s subtle contributions

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
Swedish Design Research Journal. Vol. 2014 (1), p. 33-
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Design for the BOP and TOP markets: Strategies used by the design students

Santosh Jagtap, Andreas Larsson, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs et al
International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Dublin September 5-6 2013, p. 524-529
Paper i proceeding

Teaching design theory: Scaffolding for experiential learning

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Martina Keitsch
EPDE2013 15th Itl. Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Dublin, Ireland. September 5-6, p. 724-729
Paper i proceeding

Fighting poverty through design: Comparing design processes for the base and the top income pyramid

Santosh Jagtap, Andreas Larsson, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. Vol. 1 DS75-01 (DS75-01), p. 211-220
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Exploring negotiated determinants of product form.

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Per Kristav
11th Nordcode Seminar & Workshop: Strategic design communication in business Helsinki / Stockholm, June 11-13 2012
Paper i proceeding

Felicities and Fallacies of Teaching Design Theory: A Comparative Study

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Martina Keitsch
Lyndon Buck, Geert Frateur, William Ion, Chris McMahon, Chris Baelus, Guido De Grande, Stijn Verwulgen (eds.) Proceedings of E&PDE 2012, the 14th International conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Antverp, Belgium, September 6-7 2012
Paper i proceeding

Ideation Metrics: Interdependency between Average Novelty and Variety

Santosh Jagtap, Andreas Larsson, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs et al
Marjanovic Dorian, Storga Mario, Pavkovic Neven, Bojcetic Nenad(eds.) Proceedings of DESIGN 2012, Dubrovnik - Croatia, May 21 - 24 2012, p. 1881-1892
Paper i proceeding

The Significance of Things: Affective User-Artefact relations

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs

Significant Things & Significant Use: A self report study on objects of experiences with things.

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
In Sato, Desmet, Hekkert, Ludden and Mathew (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th Design and Emotion Conference 2010; IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, October 4-7 2010
Paper i proceeding

Towards a Typology for Emotional Experiences with Things

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
Wul, L & Leerberg , M (eds.) 8th NORDCODE Seminar &Workshop; Design Responsibility: Potentials and Pitfalls.Designskolen Kolding, Kolding, May 27-29 2009
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Consumer acceptance of product-service systems - Designing for relative advantages and uncertainty reductions

Oskar Rexfelt, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 20 (5), p. 674-699
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Meaning and Interpretation: An analysis of two theoretical perspectives in product design

Martina Keitsch, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
In Desmet, PMA; Tzvetanova, SA; Hekkert, P; Justice, L. (eds.) Proceedings from the 6th Conference on Design & Emotion 2008, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 6-9 October 2008, Hong Kong
Paper i proceeding

Meaning and interpretation: An analysis of two theoretical perspectives in product design

Martina Keitsch, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
6th Conference on Design and Emotion 2008; Hong Kong; Hong Kong; 6 October 2008 through 9 October 2008
Paper i proceeding

From consumption to use - Consumer requirements in functional sales

Oskar Rexfelt, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
In Horváth, I & Rusák, Z (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering - TMCE 2008, April 21-25, Izmir, Turkey
Poster (konferens)

PSS for private consumers- User requirements and prerequisites for consumer acceptance

Oskar Rexfelt, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Elsa Rosenblad
2nd National Workshop on Functional Products – Development and sales; Luleå University of Technology; Luleå, October 24-25 2007
Poster (konferens)

Users, emotions, and meaningful things

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs

Things, constructs and meanings

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Sara Persson, Patrick Jordan
Design Semiotics in Use - 6:th Nordcode Seminar & Workshop, UIAH, Helsinki June 10-12, 2007
Paper i proceeding

Disciplinary Differences of Product Constructs? Investigating Human Factors, Engineering and Industrial Design Professionals

Sara Persson, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Patrick Jordan
Osvalder et al: Proceedings of NES 2007 - Nordic Ergonomics Society's annual conference, Lysekil, October 1-3.
Paper i proceeding

Design for Information Literacy - Towards embedded information literacy education for product design engineering students

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Ola Pilerot
Creating Knowledge IV; Copenhagen, August 16-18 2006
Paper i proceeding

Feelings for products: Sensations, beliefs and emotions;

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
5th Conference on Design and Emotion; Gothenburg, September 27-29 2006
Paper i proceeding

Functional Sales From A Consumer Perspective

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Oskar Rexfelt
Wonderground – the 2006 Design Research Society International conference; Lisbon, November 1–5
Paper i proceeding

Causes of emotive response to artefacts.

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, MariAnne Karlsson
Proceedings from the 4th International Conference on Design & Emotion, Turkey, 12-14 July
Paper i proceeding

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