Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
Showing 39 publications
Potential of Additive-Manufactured Products in Building Brands
The clothesline approach to notions in participatory design
The Clothesline Approach to Notions Concerning the H in HCI
Questions of value - Ethics in the design curriculum
Interdependency between average novelty, individual average novelty, and variety
The spread of product development methodology: Exploring drivers and barriers in Swedish Industry
Media and representations in product design education
Design methods and factors influencing their uptake in product development companies: A review
Craft Brewery Brands: self-awareness through performance
How design process for the Base of the Pyramid differs from that for the Top of the Pyramid
Editorial: Design’s subtle contributions
Design for the BOP and TOP markets: Strategies used by the design students
Teaching design theory: Scaffolding for experiential learning
Fighting poverty through design: Comparing design processes for the base and the top income pyramid
Exploring negotiated determinants of product form.
Felicities and Fallacies of Teaching Design Theory: A Comparative Study
Ideation Metrics: Interdependency between Average Novelty and Variety
The Significance of Things: Affective User-Artefact relations
Significant Things & Significant Use: A self report study on objects of experiences with things.
Towards a Typology for Emotional Experiences with Things
Meaning and Interpretation: An analysis of two theoretical perspectives in product design
Meaning and interpretation: An analysis of two theoretical perspectives in product design
From consumption to use - Consumer requirements in functional sales
PSS for private consumers- User requirements and prerequisites for consumer acceptance
Things, constructs and meanings
Kundkrav vid Funktionsförsäljning. Litteraturgenomgång och erfarenheter från Göteborg Energi
Funktionsförsäljning till privatkonsumenter –Resonemang kring fyra funktionserbjudanden
Feelings for products: Sensations, beliefs and emotions;
Functional Sales From A Consumer Perspective
Betalning för nytta – Privatkonsumenters resonemang kring tre funktionserbjudanden
Causes of emotive response to artefacts.
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