Successive Assembly System Design Based on disassembly of Products
Övrigt konferensbidrag, 1997
We are reporting of how the product data harboured in this information system are practically prospected and also how the findings, which thereby gradually are emanating, are amalgamated (cross-referred) with completed and disassembled products. That is, a successive assembly system designs by means of disassembly of products (however, if more socio-technically advanced designs are sought for this calls for a reconfiguration of the information) (see some of the other publications registered in Chalmers Public Library CPL).
restructuring of information systems
long work cycle times
manufacturing technology
autonomous workgroups
material kitting
Volvo Uddevalla plant
assembly work
materials feeding techniques
learning and training
parallel product flows
alternatives to line assembly
Tomas Engström
Institutionen för transportteknik
Dan Jonsson
Göteborgs universitet
Lars Medbo
Institutionen för transportteknik
Gothenburg, Sweden,
Annan teknik
Övrig annan teknik