Lars Medbo
Visar 152 publikationer
Hybrid digital manufacturing: Capturing the value of digitalization
Supporting flexibility of kit preparation for mixed_model assembly
Links between kit quality and kit preparation design
Digital Tools and Information Needs Assessment for Efficient Deviation Handling in SMEs
Operators’ work situation - a key to successful lean organizations
Gripper types and components in robotic bin picking
Kit preparation for mixed model assembly – efficiency impact of the picking information system
Man-hour efficiency of manual kit preparation in the materials supply to mass-customised assembly
Time efficiency and physical workload in manual picking from large containers
Performance Characteristics of Robotic Mobile Fulfilment Systems in Order Picking Applications
Manual picking from flat and tilted pallet containers
Order picking in dense areas – productivity impact of confirmation methods
Picking from pallet and picking from boxes: a time and ergonomic study
Manual Picking from Large Containers – Time Efficiency and Physical Workload
Aspects influencing man-hour efficiency of kit preparation for mixed-model assembly
Performance effects of using external warehouses in materials supply to assembly
Order batching and time efficiency in kit preparation
A structured procedure for materials planning during production transfer
Quality problems in materials kit preparation
Kit preparation using batching – quantitative results from two experiments
Assembly Systems and Work in the Swedish Automotive Industry
In-plant materials supply by kitting – location of kit preparation
Trajectories for successful lean transformations: Case studies of four Swedish SMEs
Implementation of Lean in SME, experiences from a Swedish national program
Implementation of Lean in SME, experiences from a Swedish national program
Kitting and time efficiency in manual assembly
Manufacturing flexibility and Materials Supply Systems
Swedish Production System (SwePS) – ett kompetenslyft för fordonsindustrin inom Lean Produktion
Assembly station design: A quantitative comparison of the effects of kitting and continuous supply
Materials planning activities during production transfer and start-up
Impact of materials exposure on assembly workstation performance
Location of kit preparation – Impact on in - plant materials supply performance
Assembly station design - a quantitative comparison of the effects of kitting and continuous supply
The impact of outsourcing on materials planning
Kitting and time efficiency in manual assembly
The impact of materials feeding design on assembly process performance
Slutrapport för projektet Swedish Production System (SwePS) inom VINNOVAs forskningsprogram MERA
Requirements in the value stream - Between materials supply- and assembly processes
The impact of materials exposure on the conditions at the workstation
A Production System Assessment Approach within Swedish Automotive Industry
Factors and motives in outsourcing decisions
Time - A key issue for musculoskeletal health and manufacturing
Outsourcing decisions in eight Swedish manufacturing and engineering companies
Japanska förpackningar ger flexibilitet
Materialfasader och förpackningar vid manuell montering i japansk och svensk fordonsindustri
Alternativ montering Principer och erfarenheter från fordonsindustrin
Utvärdering av Volvo Lastvagnars monteringsfabrik för hyttillverkning i Umeå
Some Considerations Relating to the Reintroduction of Assembly Lines in Swedish Automotive Industry
Perspectives on Changes in the Swedish Model for Work Life Development
On the use of Product Data in the Design of the Materials Supply System
Ergonomics and productivity consequences in adopting a line-based production system
Computer visualization and participatory ergonomics as methods in workplace design
Parallelliserade produktionssystem - Historia eller framtid?
Assembly Work Execution and Materials Kit Functionality in Parallel Flow Assembly Systems
The information gap between design engineering and materials supply system design
Parallel Production System History or future?
An article in Japanese which we cannot possible understand
Sammanhållen informationsmodell för inbyggda system
Assembly Work Structuring Based on Restructuring and Transformation of Product Information
Principer och metoder för information- och arbetsstrukturering”
Product and Process Information for Motor Vehicle Assembly: Some Cognitive Engineering Aspects
Assembly system design utilising reformed product descriptions
The Interface Between Production System Design and Individual Mechanical Exposure
Time as a key issue for enhanced cooperation between engineering and ergonomics
Illuminating and Analysing the Performance of the Defunct Volvo Uddevalla plant
Kompetens och lärande i arbetet - ett projekt vid Volvo Bussar AB, Boråsfabriken
Materials Supply and Product Descriptions for Assembly Systems - Design and Operation
Evaluation of Manual Work by Synchronising Video-recordings and Physiological Measurements
Den monteringsrelaterade produktbeskrivningen – En förutsättning för effektiv montering
Developments in Assembly System Design: The Volvo Experience
The Volvo Uddevalla Plant and Interpretations of Industrial Design Processes
Efficiency in order picking and kitting systems
Work and Work Place Design Using Empirical Shoop Floor Information and Virtual Reality Techniques
Successive Assembly System Design Based on disassembly of Products
Production Models and Social Contexts
Production Model Discourse and Experiences from the Swedish Automotive Industry
Production System Design – A brief summarisation of some Swedish efforts
Kalmar, Uddevalla and Beyond: Volvos factories of the future
Produktionssystem som tar människan till utgångspunkt vid förnyelse av teknik
Finns det en vidareutveckling av Volvos Uddevallafabrik?
Extended Work Cycle Assembly - A crucial learning experience
Development of Assembly Competence in Parallelized Flow Assembly Systems
Intra–group Work Patterns in Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles
Design Criteria and Production Principles for Parallelized Flow Assembly Work
Naturally Grouped Assembly Work and New Product Structures
Some Important Principles and Findings Concerning Long Cycle Time Assembly Work
Intra–group Work Patterns in Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles
A Methodology for Design and Evaluation of Picking Systems
Produktionssystem som tar människan till utgångspunkt vid förnyelse av teknik
Method Aspects on Multi–level Interactive Work Process Mapping
Preconditions for Long Cycle Time Assembly and Its Management – Some Findings
A Methodology for the Design and Evaluation of Picking Systems
Reflective Production in the Final Assembly of Motor Vehicles - An Emerging Swedish Challenge
Principles and Promises of Reflective Production
Material Flow Patterns, Product Variants and Long Cycle Time Assembly
Design Analysis by Means of Axonometric Hand–drawn Illustrations
Reflektiv produktion – Industriell verksamhet i förnyelse
Management and Preconditions for Long Cycle Time Assembly: Some Findings
Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Slutrapport
Material Flow Analysis, Sociotechnology and Natural Grouped Assembly Work for Automobiles and Trucks
Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Delrapport 2
Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Förstudie
Naturligt grupperat arbete vid Volvo Lastvagnar – Delrapport 1
Monteringsanvisningar för naturligt grupperat arbete
Illustrationer av funktionella grupper och monteringsfaser
Effektiv småbåtsproduktion. Delrapport
Effektiv småbåtsproduktion. Delrapport
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Leda Grönt: Grön innovationsledning för hållbar industri
New technology and digitalization as enablers of supply chain visibility innovations
Ökad innovationsförmåga över organisationsgränser i hälso- och sjukvård
ASPIRE - Automationslösningar för hantering av produktionsavvikelser
ASPIRE Automationslösningar för hantering av produktionsavvikelser
Framväxande digitala teknikers tillämpbarhet som plockstöd inom materialhantering
AKTA - Automatisering av Kitting, Transport och Montering
Utformning av processer för effektiv materialkonfigurering
Implementering av ny lastbärare i ett befintligt tekniskt system
Hållbara strategier för logistik- och produktionsnätverk
Den nya svenska produktionsmodellen