Proceedings of CFD with OpenSource Software, 2016
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap), 2016
The present proceedings consists of the outcomes of the 7.5 hec master/PhD course ’CFD with
OpenSource Software’, 2016. The course gives an introduction to the use of OpenSource software
for CFD applications. It has a strong focus on how to efficiently use the Linux operating
system and different softwares that are useful for CFD. A major individual project work in OpenFOAM
forms a large part of the course. The project is defined according to the student’s special
interests. The result of the project is a detailed tutorial for a specific application or library of
OpenFOAM, which is presented to, and peer-reviewed by the students. The tutorials thus form
a part of the course (Docendo discimus - Latin: ’by teaching, we learn’). The tutorials are made
available through the proceedings, as a contribution to the OpenFOAM community, and to contribute
to global learning. The tutorials are typically made available in the form of a report, a
set of slides, possible source code, possible cases, and additional material, to be downloaded at, under the corresponding year.
The main requirements of a tutorial is that it should consider the following four aspects:
• How to use it.
• The theory of it.
• How it is implemented.
• How to modify it.
This should be reflected by the specified learning outcomes of each tutorial, and should be evaluated
by a set of study questions.
It should be recognized that the tutorials are student project work, done as part of a course.
For many of the students it is the first time they are introduced to OpenFOAM, C++ and object
oriented programming, and some of the students have limited previous experience with Linux. Any
reader should be aware that the tutorials might not be free of errors. Still, the tutorials might be
useful for someone who would like learn something similar as the students learnt while doing the
project work. The material has gone through a review process. The role of the reviewers is to go
through the tutorial and make sure that it works, that it is possible to follow, and to some extent
correct the writing. The reviewers have no responsibility for the contents, and it is thus up to the
reader to make sure that any work that is derived from one of the tutorials is verified and validated.
The Editor:
Prof. Håkan Nilsson (Chalmers University of Technology)