Frequency scanning for power system property Determination-applied to a wind power grid
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2006

This paper presents an investigation of a method for determining the dynamic properties of a power system. The investigation is based on the injection of perturbations in the supply voltage magnitude and the analysis of the resulting active and reactive power responses. A large dc/ac converter (HVDC-Light installation) has been used to generate the perturbations. The frequency range of the perturbations was from 0.03 to 20 Hz. The method is experimentally verified on a small 10 kV grid with 5 MW of wind power, subjected to the above perturbations. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that a large concentration of wind turbines does not cause any power quality disturbances or serious oscillations, although the grid is fairly weak.


Torbjörn Thiringer

Chalmers, Energi och miljö, Elkraftteknik

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Vol. 21 2 702 - 708


Annan elektroteknik och elektronik

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