Torbjörn Thiringer
Torbjörn Thiringer arbetar med elektriska system, framförallt ingående i vindkraftverk och elektriska fordon. Hans fokus är på systemnivå, men fördjupningar inom elmaskiner och kraftelektronik, ner på detaljnivå ligger också inom hans forskningsområde.
Visar 334 publikationer
Supercapacitors and rechargeable batteries, a tale of two technologies: Past, present and beyond
Enhanced DC Building Distribution Performance Using a Modular Grid-Tied Converter Design
Traction Motor 2D Models with End Winding Leakage Inductance Consideration
Accurate Modeling of Variable- Flux PMSMs without Electromagnetic Co-Simulation
Economic Assessment of Battery Energy Storage for Frequency Regulation in the Nordic Power Systems
Moving from a 3D Axial Flux Machine Model to 2D Considering the Impact of End Leakage Flux
Influence of state of charge window on the degradation of Tesla lithium-ion battery cells
Analysis of the number of replicates required for Li-ion battery degradation testing
Demagnetisation and Performance Study of Neodymium and Ferrite Assisted SynRM
A Physics-Informed Cold-Start Capability for xEV Charging Recommender System
Low platinum fuel cell as enabler for the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle
Functionality, Losses, and Lifetime Comparison of Hydropower Generator Excitation System Converters
Statistical Assessment of Core Loss Measurement Techniques for Laminated Steel
Influence of air gaps between grain-oriented steel sheets on losses in the magnetic system
Domestic hot water heat pump: Modelling, analysis and flexibility assessment
PMSM MTPA-Control with Reinforcement Learning and CO2 Burden
Battery loss prediction using various loss models: A case study for a residential building
Interference from Unshielded HV Harnesses with Realistic Groundplane Models
Low Frequency influence on degradation of commercial Li-ion battery
Loss Reduction at Partial Loads of Multi-Level DAB Converters Using Adjusted Switching Patterns
Plug-in fuel cell electric vehicles: Are they more cost-efficient than battery electric vehicles?
A Multi-level Pseudo Single Active Bridge (PSAB) DC-DC Converter for Offshore DC Wind Turbines
Early SF6 gas leakage detection through a novel comparison algorithm based on pressure only
Multilevel Dual Active Bridge Leakage Inductance Selection for Various DC-Link Voltage Spans
Intermittent current interruption method for commercial lithium ion batteries aging characterization
A Data Driven Approach for Monitoring Puncture Events in Capacitor Voltage Transformers
Evaluation of Core Losses in Transformers for Three-phase Multi-level DAB Converters
An artificial intelligence pipeline for critical equipment thermal conditioning system design
Battery Electric Vehicle Performance Evaluation by Considering Punching Effect on PMSM Iron Cores
Comparison of Cobalt-Iron and Silicon-Iron Laminations for a Wave Energy Application
Experimental Characterization of Fuel Cells, Supercapacitors, and Their Passive Connection
Mission-Profile-Based Lifetime study for SiC Module using Graphene Films
Gender Aspects in Driving Style and Its Impact on Battery Ageing
Sustainable Design and LCA of non-RE PMSynRM with Bioplastic Rotor Shroud
Total CO<inf>2</inf>-equivalent life-cycle emissions from commercially available passenger cars
Design and Optimization of Induction Machines for E-mobility Applications
Improved Parametric Representation of im from FEM for More Accurate Torque Predictions
Lifetime Analysis of Power Switches in a Back-to-back MMC for Variable Speed Hydropower Application
A cost and time effective novel methodology to determine specific heat capacity of lithium-ion cells
A Novel Oil-immersed Medium Frequency Transformer for Offshore HVDC Wind Farms
How the utilised SOC window in commercial Li-ion pouch cells influence battery ageing
Design and Verification of In-slot Oil-Cooled Tooth Coil Winding PM Machine for Traction Application
Bridging physics-based and equivalent circuit models for lithium-ion batteries
Mission-Profile-Based Lifetime Study for SiC/IGBT Modules in a Propulsion Inverter
Mission-Profile-Based Lifetime Study for SiC/IGBT Modules in a Propulsion Inverter
Thermal capability of electric vehicle PMSM with different slot areas via thermal network analysis
Multiobjectively optimized PMSynRM cooling for increased vehicle efficiency
Improving of Heat Spreading in a SiC Propulsion Inverter using Graphene Assembled Films
Electrochemical Model-Based Fast Charging: Physical Constraint-Triggered PI Control
Increased PV Utilisation from DC Distribution: Quantification of Geographical Location Impact
Generator Loss Analysis and Comparison for 5MW Wind Turbine System
Acceleration, Drive Cycle Efficiency, and Cost Tradeoffs for Scaled Electric Vehicle Drive System
Life Cycle Cost impact of a SiC MOSFET converter used for a Wave Power Application
Graphene based thermal management system for battery cooling in electric vehicles
Performance of Insulation of DC/DC Converter Transformer for Offshore Wind Power Applications
Quasi-Dynamic Modelling of DC Operated Ground-Source Heat Pump
A Study on the Lifetime of Q2L-MMC-DAB’s Switches for Wind Turbine Applications
Characterization of lithium ion supercapacitors
Impact of Saturation and Scaling on the Field Weakening Performance of an Interior PM Machine
High Voltage Direct Driven Wind Turbine Generator
Manufacturing of tooth coil winding PM machines with in-slot oil cooling
LiFePO4 Battery Modeling and Drive Cycle Loss Evaluation in Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters for Vehicles
Thermal modelling of a mutlichip IGBT power module
Computationally Efficient Modeling of Electrical Machines With Cooling Jacket
Life cycle assessment of permanent magnet electric traction motors
IGBT Power Stack Integrity Assessment Method for High-Power Magnet Supplies
Rotor Design of Line-Start Synchronous Reluctance Machine With Round Bars
Demagnetisation current due to short circuit effect on an inset permanent magnet motor
Module size investigation on a 150 kW charger for electric vehicles
Design Of a 50 kW Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Converter Used For Fast Charging Applications
Sizing of IPM Generator for a Single Point Absorber Type Wave Energy Converter
Extending battery lifetime by avoiding high SOC
Impedance Modeling for Accurate Estimation of DC-Bus Current and Voltage Ripple in Electric vehicles
Challenges with the design of cost effective series DC collection network for offshore wind farm
Efficiency investigation of 2L-DAB and ML-DAB for high-power PV applications
RIFEL - Ripple and Electromagnetic Fields in Electric Vehicles
Measurements and CFD Modeling of Temperatures in the Engine Compartment of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Electric Vehicle Acceleration Performance and Motor Drive Cycle Energy Efficiency Trade-Off
Comparing IPM and SMPM as a WEC Generator from a LCC Perspective
Accurate analysis of a single-phase dual active bridge converter for ZVS and deadband conditions
Analysis of a three-phase dual active bridge converter during the deadband
Experimental determination of inverter losses and sound consequences of using DPWM in an HEV
An LCL filter with an active compensation for a fast charger station
Efficiency Analysis of 5MW Wind Turbine System in an All-DC Wind Park
Investigation of Pole Number Selection in a Synchronous Reluctance Generator for Wind Applications
Electrical machine acoustic noise reduction based on rotor surface modifications
Inverter Loss Analysis and Comparison for a 5 MW Wind Turbine System
Vacuum Circuit-Breaker Parameter Calculation and Modelling for Power System Transient Studies
Converter interoperability in offshore HVDC grids
Improvement of admittance measurements for modeling of an ungrounded reactor/transformer winding
Design of an online temperature monitoring system for an experimental IPMSM
The effect of the magnet placement for an internal permanent magnet wave energy converter generator
Time efficient FEM modeling of a PMSM by iteration between field calculations and state
Reliability analysis and enhancement of the AC/DC stage of a 3.3 kW onboard vehicle battery charger
Primary-secondary control strategy for meshed HVDC transmission grids at steady state
Electrical reliability enhancement of the DC/DC stage of an onboard vehicle battery charger
Performance Analysis of Current BEVs - Based on a Comprehensive Review of Specifications
Study of a permanent magnet motor for an electric car during three phase short circuit
An electric machine design procedure that includes multiple cost scenarios
ARIMA-based frequency-decomposed modelling of wind speed time series
Parameter Analysis of Current and Voltage Ripple in a Hybrid Vehicle Traction System
A switched reluctance motor based drive system for power electronics education
Field-Experience Based Root-Cause Analysis of Power-Converter Failure in Wind Turbines
Wave energy park power quality impact and collection grid economic assessment
Heat sink design considerations in medium power electronic applications with long power cycles
Co-Simulation and Harmonic Analysis of a Hybrid Vehicle Traction System
Wireless Charging for vehicles-Some Key Elements
Torque Ripple Reduction Methods for an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
Fordonskomponenter och konfigurationer
Position-sensorless control of a submersible PMSM fed over a long cable and two transformers
DC Bus Current Harmonics of a Three-phase PWM Inverter with the Zero Sequence Injection
Harmonic Modeling of a Vehicle Traction Circuit Towards the DC Bus
Droop Based Steady State Control Algorithm for a Meshed HVDC Grid
Voltage Stress in a Transformer Winding During Very Fast Transients Caused by Breaker Closing Event
DC-link voltage selection for a multi-MW wind turbine
Impact of Line Current Harmonics on the DC Bus Quality of a Three-Phase PWM Inverter
High-FrequencyModeling of a Three-Phase Inverter with Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Control
Effect of magnet coverage on torque, loss and torque ripple in a PMSM
Wave farm collection grid analysis and design
A high accuracy regressive-derived winding loss calculation model for high frequency applications
Steady State Controll Strategy for a Meshed HVDC Grid with Wind Power Plants
Transformers internal voltage stress during current interruption for different wind turbine layouts
Influence of tidal parameters on SeaGen flicker performance
Vehicle components and configurations
A Generic DFIG Model for Voltage Dip Ride-Through Analysis
Wireless charging-some key elements
Control of a wind farm with an internal direct current collection grid
Transformers internal voltage stress during current interruption for different wind turbine layouts
Core loss behavior in high frequency high power transformers—I: Effect of core topology
Fault handling for a wind farm with an internal DC collection grid
Time-Series Based Cable Selection for a Medium Voltage Wind Energy Network
Core loss behavior in high frequency high power transformers—II: Arbitrary excitation
Power quality and flicker performance of the tidal energy converter, SeaGen
Selecting IGBT Module for a High Voltage 5 MW Wind Turbine PMSG-equipped Generating System
Experiences from a distance course in electric drives including on-line labs and tutorials
Simulating the EMI Characteristics of Flyback DC/DC Converters
Flicker Evaluation of the SeaGen Tidal Plant
Power Quality performance of the tidal energy converter Seagen
Influence of Tidal Parameters on SeaGen Power Quality Performance
Optimering av energieffektivitet för elektriska drivsystem i hybridfordon
Simulation accuracy of the built-in PSCAD and an owner-defined synchronous machine model
Design of on-board charger for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
Assessment of a Multilevel Converter for a PHEV charge and traction application
On Dynamic Diode Characteristics and EMI Performance of an Inverter with Undeland Snubber
Wind farms as reactive power ancillary service providers-technical and economic issues
Comparison of SiC and Si Power Semiconductor Devices to Be Used in 2.5 kW DC/DC Converter
Design and control consideration for a 5 MW DC/DC converter in a wind turbine
Design considerations for a power electronic converter for series connection of wind turbines
Power Electronics Design Laboratory Exercise for Final-Year M.Sc. Students
Comparison of switching surges and basic lightning impulse surges at transformer in MV cable grids
Potential Savings for Induction Motor Drive Systems for HVAC Applications
Dynamic Performance Comparison of Synchronous Condenser and SVC
EMI reduction using symmetrical switching and capacitor control
Wind farms as reactive power ancillary service providers - technical and economic issues
Operation of wind energy installations during power network disturbances
Reactive Power Ancillary Service from Wind Farms
Voltage and Transient Stability Support by Wind Farms Complying with the E.ON Netz Grid Code
Variable speed wind turbine for power system stability enhancement
Experimental study of current damages in bearings
Control method and snubber selection for a 5 MW wind turbine single active bridge DC/DC converter
Wind Generator Transients' Computation using Prony Method
Reduction of EMI in Switched Mode Converters by Shaped Pulse Transitions
Modeling of the energizing of a wind park radial
Frequency scanning for power system property Determination-applied to a wind power grid
Power electronics design laboratory exercise for last-year M.Sc students
Control of a Variable-Speed Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbine
Elkvalitémätningar på ett Vestas V52 850 kWs vindkraftverk lokaliserat i Götene elnät
Evaluation of Current Control Methods for Wind Turbines Using Doubly-Fed Induction Machines
A DFIG wind turbine ride-through system. Influence on the energy production
Modeling and Experimental Verification of Grid Interaction of a DFIG Wind Turbine
Grid Integration of Wind Turbines
Reduction of RF-emissions from a pulsed electrical supply using an active gate control
Investigation of the Removal of Undervoltage Protection for Wind Turbines
Alternative Energy Storage System for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
A DFIG Wind-Turbine Ride-Through System Influence on the Energy Production
Flicker Reduction of Stall-Controlled Wind Turbine Using Variable Rotor Resistance
Flicker contribution from wind turbine installations
Grid_Friendly Connecting of Constant-Speed Wind Turbines Using External Resistors
Modeling of Wind Turbines for Power System Studies
Comparison of Reduced-Order Dynamic Models of Induction Machines
Periodic power pulsations from a three-bladed wind turbine
Measurement and modelling of power quality impact of a stall-regulated wind turbine
Electrical limiting Factors for Wind Energy Installations in Weak Grids
Power Quality impact of a Sea-Located Hybrid Wind park
Integration of Wind Parks-Example from Bockstigen
Active Flicker Reduction from a Sea-based 2.5 MW Wind park Connected to a Weak Grid
Grid Impact of a 20 kW Variable Speed Wind Turbine
Measurements and Modelling of Low-Frequency Disturbances in Induction Machines
Power quality measurements performed on a low-voltage grid equipped with two wind turbines
Modelling a group of induction machines connected to a weak grid
Modelling of the induction machine for supply voltage disturbances
Control by variable rotor speed of a fixed-pitch wind turbine operating in a wide speed range
Measurements and Modelling of Low-frequency Disturbances in Induction Machines
Measurements and modelling of low-frequency disturbances in induction machines
When to use the equivalent circuit instead of a transient induction machine model
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Visar 52 forskningsprojekt
Grafenförsedd kraftelektronikmodul
Ojämn åldring i stora interkalationsbatterier (Halibatt-KTH)
Tillverkningseffekter i elektriska maskiner (TEEM)
Flexibilitet och energieffektivisering i byggnader med solel och fordonsladdning
Nätresiliens - bostädersmöjligheter att bidra till ett mer resilient elnät
Energieffektiv energiomvandlingför elektriska laster i byggnader
Förlängning av körsträcka och minskning av förlust via gemensam design av växellåda och elmaskin
High-Voltage Direct-Driven Wind Turbine Generating System
Åldringsfenomen kopplade till dynamisk cykling av Li-jon batterier för fordonsapplikation
Building and verifying the dynamic and static behavior of Li-Ion battery cells
Prognostisering för styrning av lokalt batterilager
Åldring av litium-jon batterier med Ni-rika katoder för elektromobilitet (ALINE)
Elektrisk och Termisk modellering av batteripack
Microelectronic Energy Storage Systems for Integration Alongside Harvesters
Kombinerad termisk och impedansmodellering för batteripack utsatt för höga strömpulser
E-motors and inverters for large scale EV-implementation - both cost-effective and energy efficient
Elektrisk fordonets batterikylsystem
Electrical Vehicle Battery Cooling System
in situ identifiering av batteriparamentrar vid fordonskörning - jämförelse med labbtest
Increasing the value of Hydropower through increased Flexibility (HYDROFLEX)
Bussbatteriers 2nd life i Bostadsrättsföreningen Viva
Modellering av uppvärmning/nedkylning av hybridkomponenter
Förlust- och EMI-reduktion i elektrifierat fordon via användande av multinivåomriktare
Elektriska drivsystem - intelligent mjukvara & elektromagnetiska delar - ELISE
Elmaskiner för fordon i en cirkulär ekonomi
Kraftelektronikbaserad dc-transformatorer för havbaserat mellanspännings DC-nät
Elmaskinkoncept för nästa generations elektriska fordon (ELMA)
Från solel till användare med minsta möjliga förlust – en fullskaledemonstration
Ageing mechanisms & how to prolong battery life in vehicle and energy storage applications’
Multifysiksimulering av kylsystemet och dess komponenter i ett el/hybrid-fordon
Besparingspotential för likströmsdistribution – En förstudie
Elektriska maskiner och omriktare
Ripple and Electromagnetic Fields in Electric vehicles (RIFEL)
Ultrakompakta kostnadseffektiva snabbladdarstationer
Analys av genomslag i vindkraftparker med 36 kV kabelnät och vakuumbrytare
Mildhybridisering genom 48 V spänningssystem
Åldringsmekanismer och hur man förlänger livet på batterier i fordon och stationära applikationer
Ombordladdare för snabbladdning
ELIN - en robustare och effektivare integrerad el-drivlina
Utveckling av havsbaserade vindparker och högspänningsnät med likström