Modelling of laser plasma interaction with applications
Licentiatavhandling, 2018
This thesis also contains an investigation of the prospects for driving electron wakefield acceleration using coherent X-ray pulses. Recent advances in the theory for generation of high harmonics indicate the feasibility of relativistic amplitude coherent X-ray pulses, which could be used to drive a wakefield in a solid density plasma. We show by PIC-simulations, incorporating QED-effects, that similarity scaling laws hold for the wavelength 5 nm and moderate relativistic amplitudes in the range 10 to 100. The quantum parameter is shown to be enhanced, leading to comparable electron and photon energies already at modest relativistic amplitudes although with more infrequent emission of photons than at optical wavelengths, preventing radiation losses from becoming a roadblock for the acceleration process.
electron wakefield acceleration
ion acceleration
coherent X-ray pulses
Vlasov-Maxwell equations
continuum methods
radiation generation
Benjamin Svedung Wettervik
Chalmers, Fysik, Subatomär fysik och plasmafysik
Vlasov modelling of laser-driven collisionless shock acceleration of protons
Physics of Plasmas,;Vol. 23(2016)p. 053103-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell modelling using finite volumes and adaptive mesh refinement
European Physical Journal D,;Vol. 71(2017)p. 157-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
B. Svedung Wettervik, A. Gonoskov, and M. Marklund, Prospects and limitations of wakefield acceleration in solids, Physics of Plasmas 25, 013107, 2018.
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Atom- och molekylfysik och optik
Annan fysik
Fusion, plasma och rymdfysik
Opponent: Raimund Feifel, Gothenburg University, Sweden