High temperature corrosion behavior of FeCrAlSi model alloys in the presence of water vapor and KCl at 600 °C – The influence of Cr content
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2022

The corrosion behavior of Fe(5−20)Cr3Al2Si model alloys and the underlying mechanisms after breakaway oxidation was investigated at 600 °C. Rapid breakaway oxidation was triggered for all alloys in the presence of KCl(s). Thermogravimetric analysis showed that alloys with a Cr content of ≥ 10 wt% transitioned into sub-parabolic oxidation kinetics at an early stage of the oxidation process after breakaway oxidation. Through advanced electron/ion microscopy, this behavior was attributed to high Cr-enrichment in the bottom part of the inward-growing scale, indicating the formation of a healing layer. Additionally, alloys with elevated Cr-content (≥15 wt%) were more prone to grain boundary attack.

A. Silicon

C. High temperature corrosion

A. Chromium


A. FeCrAl

C. Internal oxidation


Johan Eklund

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Imran Hanif

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Sedigheh Bigdeli

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Torbjörn Jonsson

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Corrosion Science

0010-938X (ISSN)

Vol. 198 110114


Annan kemi

Metallurgi och metalliska material




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