Torbjörn Jonsson
Dr. Torbjörn Jonsson är projektledare på avdelningen för oorganisk miljökemi. Hans forskning är inriktad mot att bättre förstå och förhindra högtemperaturkorrosion.
I forskningen används en kombination av välkontrollerade exponeringar och avanserad elektronmikroskopi. Forskningen bedrivs både på grundläggande nivå genom studier av modell legeringar samt i mer komplexa miljöer och rena tillämpningar. En tillämpning är förbränning av biomassa som skapar en mycket korrosiv miljö i pannan jämfört med förbränning av kol och olja.
Torbjörn är för närvarande biträdande handledare för två doktorander.
Visar 81 publikationer
Liquid phase migration in cemented carbides – Experiments and modelling
The long-term corrosion behavior of FeCrAl(Si) alloys after breakaway oxidation at 600 °C
High temperature corrosion memory in a waste fired boiler – Influence of sulfur
Continuous KCl addition in high temperature exposures of 304 L – A way to mimic a boiler environment
The Influence of KCl and HCl on the High-Temperature Oxidation of a Fe-2.25Cr-1Mo Steel at 400 °C
KCl-induced corrosion of Ni-based alloys containing 35–45 wt% Cr
Investigating corrosion memory: The influence of previous boiler operation on current corrosion rate
Oxidation of iron at 600 °C – experiments and simulations
High-Temperature Oxidation of FeCr(Ni) Alloys: The Behaviour After Breakaway
A Comparative Study of the Initial Corrosion of KCl and PbCl2 on a Low-Alloyed Steel
A Laboratory Study of the in Situ Sulfation of Alkali Chloride Rich Deposits: Corrosion Perspective
Microstructural investigations of pure nickel exposed to KCl induced high temperature corrosion
Initial corrosion attack of 304L and T22 in 2 MW biomass gasifier: a microstructural investigation
Oxidation behavior of a Mo(Si,Al)2 composite at 900–1600 C in dry air
High temperature oxidation of chromium: Kinetic modeling and microstructural investigation
Co-firing of shredder light fraction with waste and sewage sludge.
Oxidation behavior of a Mo (Si, Al)(2)-based composite at 300-1000 degrees C
Oxidation behavior at 300–1000C of a (Mo,W)Si2-based composite containing boride
Oxidation of iron at 400-600 °C in dry and wet O2
An ESEM in-situ investigation of the influence of H
Grain contrast imaging in FIB and SEM
The influence of H2O on iron oxidation at 600?C: a microstructural study.
Paralinear Oxidation of Chromium in O2 + H2O Environment at 600–700 °C
Microscopy of high temperature oxidation of iron and some stainless steels
Influence of H2O(g) on the Oxide Microstructure of the Stainless Steel 353MA at 900°C in Oxygen.
The effect of traces of SO2 on iron oxidation: A microstructural study
Microstructural Investigation of Protective and Non-Protective Oxides on 11% Chromium Steel
Microstructural investigation of chips formed during metal cutting
High resolution chemical analysis in SEM
Microstructural investigation of the influence of KCl on the corrosion of 304L exposed to 5% O2 + N2
Microscopy investigation of the high temperature corrosion of iron and two stainless steels
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Digitalisering av korrosionsprediktering - Effektivare och flexiblare avfalls- och biokraftvärme
High temperature corrosion and ash research, part 2
High temperature corrosion and ash research
Prediktering av oxidationsegenskaper - experiment och modellering
Ökad ångtemperatur i rosterpannor - Steamboost