Torbjörn Jonsson
Dr. Torbjörn Jonsson is project leader at the division for inorganic environmental chemistry. His research is focused on high temperature corrosion. The aim is to prevent degradation of material at high temperatures.
The research is performed by a combination of well controlled exposures and advanced electron microscopy. The research is implemented both on a fundamental level by studies of model systems and in more complex environments as well as in applications. One application is the combustion of biomass which creates a much more corrosive environment in the boiler than combustion of coal and oil.
Torbjörn is currently co-supervisor for two PhD students.

Showing 81 publications
Liquid phase migration in cemented carbides – Experiments and modelling
The long-term corrosion behavior of FeCrAl(Si) alloys after breakaway oxidation at 600 °C
High temperature corrosion memory in a waste fired boiler – Influence of sulfur
Continuous KCl addition in high temperature exposures of 304 L – A way to mimic a boiler environment
The Influence of KCl and HCl on the High-Temperature Oxidation of a Fe-2.25Cr-1Mo Steel at 400 °C
KCl-induced corrosion of Ni-based alloys containing 35–45 wt% Cr
Investigating corrosion memory: The influence of previous boiler operation on current corrosion rate
Oxidation of iron at 600 °C – experiments and simulations
High-Temperature Oxidation of FeCr(Ni) Alloys: The Behaviour After Breakaway
A Comparative Study of the Initial Corrosion of KCl and PbCl2 on a Low-Alloyed Steel
A Laboratory Study of the in Situ Sulfation of Alkali Chloride Rich Deposits: Corrosion Perspective
Microstructural investigations of pure nickel exposed to KCl induced high temperature corrosion
Initial corrosion attack of 304L and T22 in 2 MW biomass gasifier: a microstructural investigation
Oxidation behavior of a Mo(Si,Al)2 composite at 900–1600 C in dry air
High temperature oxidation of chromium: Kinetic modeling and microstructural investigation
Co-firing of shredder light fraction with waste and sewage sludge.
Oxidation behavior of a Mo (Si, Al)(2)-based composite at 300-1000 degrees C
Oxidation behavior at 300–1000C of a (Mo,W)Si2-based composite containing boride
Oxidation of iron at 400-600 °C in dry and wet O2
An ESEM in-situ investigation of the influence of H
Grain contrast imaging in FIB and SEM
The influence of H2O on iron oxidation at 600?C: a microstructural study.
Paralinear Oxidation of Chromium in O2 + H2O Environment at 600–700 °C
Microscopy of high temperature oxidation of iron and some stainless steels
Influence of H2O(g) on the Oxide Microstructure of the Stainless Steel 353MA at 900°C in Oxygen.
The effect of traces of SO2 on iron oxidation: A microstructural study
Microstructural Investigation of Protective and Non-Protective Oxides on 11% Chromium Steel
Microstructural investigation of chips formed during metal cutting
High resolution chemical analysis in SEM
Microstructural investigation of the influence of KCl on the corrosion of 304L exposed to 5% O2 + N2
Microscopy investigation of the high temperature corrosion of iron and two stainless steels
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Showing 7 research projects
Digitalizing corrosion predictions - More efficient and flexible waste/biomass power production
High temperature corrosion and ash research, part 2
High temperature corrosion and ash research
Prediktering av oxidationsegenskaper - experiment och modellering
Increased steam temperature in grate fired boilers - Steamboost