Migrations to Microservices-Based Architectures - a Tale of Technical and Organizational Change
Licentiatavhandling, 2022
Therefore, this thesis aims to first of all understand the process in which decisions are made by engineers to migrate their software architecture towards microservices. In addition, this thesis targets to aggregate the migration journey of organizations that change their software architecture to microservices. Finally, it is demonstrated how an organization's operations implement different processes for software architecture migrations and development methodologies.
Microservices migrations
Grounded Theory
StackOverflow Mining
Software Architecture
Hamdy Michael Ayas
Chalmers, Data- och informationsteknik, Interaktionsdesign och Software Engineering
Facing the giant: A grounded theory study of decision-making in microservices migrations
International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement,;(2021)
Paper i proceeding
The Migration Journey Towards Microservices
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),;Vol. 13126 LNCS(2021)p. 20-35
Paper i proceeding
An Empirical Study of the Systemic and Technical Migration Towards Microservices (Journal publication)
Why do Software Teams Deviate from Scrum?: Reasons and Implications
Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software and System Processes, ICSSP 2020,;(2020)p. 71-80
Paper i proceeding
Lastbilsarkitektur för funktionalitet i molnet (TrAF-Cloud)
VINNOVA (201-05010), 2019-02-25 -- 2022-03-31.
Building: Svea, Room: Gamma, Forskningsgången 4, 41756 Göteborg
Opponent: Professor Davide Taibi, University of Oulu & Tampere University, Finland