Thermomechanical behaviour of tread braked wheels
Licentiatavhandling, 2022
In the first part of the present work, a finite element material model is calibrated using isothermal and anisothermal experimental data from testing of railway wheel steel specimens, accounting for the macroscale material changes which occur during typical thermomechanical cycles at long-term braking. Results are presented with main focus on comparing finite element simulations to experimental measurements of the thermomechanical cycles. Material deterioration by spheroidisation of the pearlitic material is modelled using a time-temperature dependent law.
In the second part, the material model is further evaluated using axisymmetric simulations of tread braked train wheels, and the wheel performance is evaluated according to current European standards. Results are presented that show a substantial increase in the magnitude of the modelled residual tensile stresses as compared to other widely-used material models.
In the third part, experiments and measurements on tread braked wheels are conducted in a full-scale test rig. It is found that the temperature distribution in the axial and circumferential directions on the wheel tread exhibits substantial variations which can be of importance in the understanding of the full thermomechanical behaviour of a wheel. Numerical simulations show that there is an increase in residual tensile stress at locally hotter areas, a phenomenon which has a potential to compromise the safety of the system.
thermomechanical analysis
high temperature testing
thermal analysis
full-scale brake rig testing
tread braking
Railway wheels
finite element analysis
Eric Landström Voortman
Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Dynamik
Voortman Landström, E., Steyn, E., Ahlström, J., Vernersson, T. Thermomechanical Testing and Modelling of Railway Wheel Steel
Voortman Landström, E., Vernersson, T., Lundén, R. Thermal Measurements and Analysis of Tread Braked Wheels
Blockbromsning – kapacitet, slitage och livslängd (CHARMEC SD11)
Chalmers järnvägsmekanik (CHARMEC), -- .
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)
Teknisk mekanik
Annan materialteknik
Thesis for the degree of Licentiate – Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences: 2022:11