Simulation for manufacturing engineering (ViPP)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2005

The aim of this project is to develop methodologies and supportive tools to handle introduction and administration of ergonomics simulation tools for manufacturing engineering. The main result will be a web-based handbook for effective use of digital human modelling tools inside companies and between suppliers and companies. ViPP is divided in three parts: Part A: Studies will be done with the purpose to advise on proper content of input data and on method for assessment of simulations' results. Part B: Studies will be done in order to check reliability of used digital human tools: (1) intra- and inter-individual differences concerning simulation results, (2) vision analysis and (3) the importance of the digital human model appearance/representation on simulation results. Part C: A handbook will be written on virtual production planning for pre production engineers, designers and decision makers. Copyright © 2005 SAE International.


Jonas Laring


M. Christmansson


Tania Dukic


A. Sundin


Hans Sjöberg

Chalmers, Produkt- och produktionsutveckling, Produktionssystem

Roland Örtengren

Chalmers, Produkt- och produktionsutveckling, Produktionssystem

Lars Hanson

Lunds universitet

Dan Lämkull

Volvo Group

Anna Davidsson

Volvo Group

Ann-Christine Falck

Volvo Group

P. Klingstam

Volvo Group

SAE Technical Papers

01487191 (ISSN) 26883627 (eISSN)

Vol. Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Symposium

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi



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